The unicorn is one of the most sought-after fantasy creatures in the world!
Everyone wants it: the unicorn is one of the most sought-after fantasy creatures in the world. And they’ll want it even more if it’s as charming as HAPPY HOPSY. The legendary four-legged beast will bring a spot of colour to your key chain, thanks to its little stars and rainbow. Cast metal and enamel, multi-coloured.
Keyring with 3 charms, unicorn, rainbow, little stars, cast metal / enamel, shiny, Multicoloured
- THE trend for 2016/2017 – Unicorn with stars and rainbow
- A cute accessory for your keys
- You’ll have heard about the unicorn trend on social networks like Facebook and Instagram, or from the latest 2017 fashion trends. Everybody loves it, everybody wants it.
- A cute companion for your keys in elegant, feminine pastel colours. Exclusive design by Kathrin Stockebrand.
What does one give to the modern man today? We constantly have more than 500 selected products in our range. From big to small, technology to design, absolutely trendy to wonderfully sentimental. High-quality, charming and innovative accessories for the modern man, at work or at home. And, not forgetting for today’s woman.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Nisterfeld 11
57629 Müschenbach
Telefon: +49 (2662) 9511-0
Telefax: +49 (2662) 9511-92
Lena Strobel
Telefon: +49 (2662) 9511106
E-Mail: l.strobel@troika.de
Telefon: +49 (2662) 9511106
E-Mail: l.strobel@troika.de
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