ZWF-AG Customs Suite 4.0 – Ready for Infor LN
In the course of extensive further developments, ZWF-AG has now created a new ZWF-AG Customs Suite 4.0, which is completely integrated in the standard ERP software Infor LN (Cloud and On Premise).
It contains the following modules:
- Shipment Module
- Export Module
- Preferential Calculation
- Export Control
- Sanction List Screening
The ZWF-AG Shipment Module provides an intuitive way to create shipment information. You can create, select and combine parcels into one shipment. This is based on several LN documents such as sales orders, shipments and invoices.
All available data is automatically collected from the LN documents in your shipment. Customisable workflows can be used within shipments to guide you through the shipment creation process, including packing, sending reports, etc.
With the ZWF-AG Shipment Module, all relevant shipping data can be created within minutes, and shipment data (weights, packaging structures, measurements) can be refined without requiring access to the LN master data. All required data is collected in one session.
The ZWF-AG Export Module offers an easy way to create basic export declarations, accumulation by commodity codes and separation of main and additional package items. Customs document codes can also be automatically generated based on item and commodity code information.
Export processes collect data from Infor LN and merge this data with templates and customs code lists to automatically generate ATLAS AES export declarations (Germany), other countries are already being planned and implemented. The customs declarations are transmitted to the customs authorities using web-based interfaces. Return information is read into Infor LN. You can easily manage the outgoing customs document (MRN), which is required for further checks. The associated code lists can be automatically read in and updated as soon as they are updated by the customs authorities.
All companies, especially those holding an authorised export or other customs authorisation, are required to actively participate in the fight against terrorism. Your trading partners, your staff and sometimes even your visitors must also be subject to such a sanctions list check. Smart and intelligent sanctions list processes, directly from Infor LN, take care of this task. Here are just a few facts: Check against daily updated sanctions lists and automatic updates, time-controlled master data comparison to check existing business contacts, simple manual individual check, email-controlled notification of the defined group of persons as well as complete and unchangeable documentation.
Newly available: ZWF Export Control and ZWF Preferential Calculation
International restrictions and security policies for the sale and shipment of goods require a transparent and secure export control process for every company. The ZWF-AG Export Control provides automatically triggered checks of your foreign trade transactions. Direct integration with LN processes, such as sales order approval, allows you to check your orders against a fully customisable set of rules. This ruleset, based on countries and goods that are categorised and put into relation, makes it possible to maintain all restrictions set by governments and (inter)national authorities. Categorise your goods, export countries and export control measures and let our system do the work.
Depending on the combination of the aforementioned settings, ZWF-AG Export Control automatically outputs the information whether the transaction needs to be checked by a dedicated export control officer or is blocked or free.
The ZWF-AG Preferential Calculation supports every step around your preference and supplier declaration process. Perform calculations for all your production items based on e.g. sales orders or invoices. Using the logic of an exploded bill of materials, our system checks all input materials used with regard to the supplier declarations required for them and, if necessary, determines all relevant purchase and sales prices, if necessary of course also in the worst-case scenario. Consistent calculations with corresponding storage space or batch management are also possible. Of course, not only the result of a calculation is delivered, but also detailed protocols allow you to trace every calculation step transparently and in conformity with the audit.
Another component of the ZWG-AG preference calculation is a completely included supplier declaration administration, both for incoming and outgoing supplier declarations. Optionally, our supplier declaration portal offers the possibility of a high degree of automation in the administration and application of incoming supplier declarations.
ZWF IT + Consulting AG
Untertürkheimer Str. 24
66117 Saarbrücken
Telefon: +49 (681) 929-0
Telefax: +49 (681) 929-1005
Vertriebsleiter DMS
Telefon: +49 (681) 9292348