Beak develops an innovative Social Accountability Platform for the Mining Sector in Cameroon
We invite all actors in the Cameroonian mining sector, including companies and individual workers but also associations, NGOs, cooperatives, to register and create an account for free via the following link and to send us their comments / suggestions for improvement at the following address.
The site is open to the public and users can create and customize profiles, upload documents and events, which can then be discussed and commented on. A question / complaint module that will be open to the public and a discussion module are currently under development and will be added to the site in the near future.
The site is being developed by Beak Consultants GmbH as part of the World Bank-funded Ministry of Mines, Industry and Technological Development (MINMIDT) Mining Sector Capacity Building Project (PRECASEM), and aims to strengthen transparency and accountability in the mining sector, while promoting exchanges between mining operators, government and various civil society organizations.
The main benefits for the population and NGOs are to be able to share information, communicate between different actors including the government, and thus document and raise issues via a public Question and Complaint system. All issues related to the social and environmental impacts of mining can be documented and reported.
We sincerely hope that this site can be shared more widely in Cameroon and ask you to let us know of any potential contacts to whom we should forward this site and this invitation.
The consultants of Beak are present in Cameroon in Yaoundé for now to promote this new platform and exchange with local actors of the Cameroonian mining sector.
Beak Consultants GmbH
Am St. Niclas Schacht 13
09599 Freiberg
Telefon: +49 (3731) 781350
Telefax: +49 (3731) 781352