New Sizes and Optical Coatings for Off-the-Shelf Optics Make Rapid Prototyping Easier than Ever Before
The TECHSPEC® Sapphire Windows are one of the product lines with an expanded offering of sizes and coating options. These windows, which are manufactured from a single crystal of aluminum oxide (Al2O3) sapphire, are now available with new infrared broadband anti-reflection (BBAR) coatings that expand the total covered wavelength range to 400 – 5.000 nm. These windows are ideal for harsh environment applications due to their extreme surface hardness, high thermal conductivity, high dielectric constant, and resistance to common chemical acids and alkalis.
The TECHSPEC® Ultrafast-Enhanced Silver Concave Laser Mirrors now include coating options for 800 – 1.150 nm wavelengths for Yb-doped lasers in addition to previous coatings tailored for Ti:sapphire lasers. With their extremely low group delay dispersion (GDD) as low as 0 ±20 fs2, are ideal for low- to medium-power ultrafast applications requiring broad bandwidths.
To view these, and many more exciting new products offered by Edmund Optics, visit the new products page at www.edmundoptics.eu.
Edmund Optics® (EO) is a leading producer of optics, imaging, and photonics technology. Supporting the R&D, electronics, semiconductor, pharmaceutical and biomedical markets around the globe; EO products are used in a variety of applications ranging from DNA sequencing or retinal eye scanning to high-speed factory automation. Its huge inventory of stock and custom optics allows EO to take customer projects from design to prototype and volume production. EO’s manufacturing capabilities combined with its global distribution network and its extensive product catalogue has earned it the position of one of the world’s largest supplier of optical components.
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E-Mail: ahuebscher@edmundoptics.de