New trainees launch their career at LOXX in Gelsenkirchen
The relevant teams will welcome the nine freight forwarding and logistics services sales clerks, two of whom are completing a Bachelor in Logistics Management sandwich degree course, and the four warehouse logistics specialists and one person training to become an IT specialist at the beginning of August and they will be introduced to their future work activities.
The young employees will get to know the varied tasks of a logistics services provider by regularly moving from one department to another. The commercial trainees, among other things, will learn about loading procedures in warehouses and the prospective sales personnel will be involved in planning truck trips.
“Many of the interviews took place in digital form due to the Covid-19 crisis. We’re therefore all the more delighted to finally be able to welcome the trainees to our team in person,” says Training Officer, Melanie Mondry. The Personnel Manager, Sylvia Pflüger, and Melanie Mondry already welcomed the newcomers with an ice cream during a first “get to know you” day in June.
The crucial stage for applications for training places in 2022 already starts in mid-September. As a company based in Gelsenkirchen, LOXX is looking for motivated employees from the surrounding area.
You can obtain more information at: www.loxx.de/ausbildung.
LOXX is a logistics company with its headquarters in Gelsenkirchen in the Ruhr Region. The LOXX Group now involves five operating companies as well as LOXX Holding GmbH and has business operations at five sites. LOXX has been part of the Rhenus Group since January 2021.
LOXX Holding GmbH
Emscherstraße 56
45891 Gelsenkirchen
Telefon: +49 (209) 6046-0
Telefax: +49 (209) 6046-925
Corporate Communications
Telefon: +49 (2301) 29-1862
Fax: +49 (2301) 29-1215
E-Mail: verena.schaefers@de.rhenus.com