
Para powerlifter Netsuda Panna receives a four-year ban for anti-doping rule violation

The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) has banned Para powerlifter Netsuda Panna for four years after she committed an anti-doping rule violation (ADRV). The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) has banned Para powerlifter Netsuda Panna for four years after she committed an anti-doping rule violation (ADRV).

The athlete returned an adverse analytical finding (AAF) for a prohibited substance in a urine sample provided on 19 July 2019 after competing at the Nur-Sultan 2019 World Para Powerlifting Championships in Kazakhstan.
Panna received an AAF for metandienone metabolite, which is included on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) 2019 Prohibited List under the class S1.1A Exogenous Anabolic Androgenic Steroids. 

As a result of her violation, the athlete from Thailand will be ineligible for competition for four years from 19 July 2019 to 18 July 2023.

Each athlete is strictly liable for the substances found in his or her sample. An ADRV occurs whenever a prohibited substance (or its metabolites or markers) is found in his or her bodily specimen, whether or not the athlete intentionally or unintentionally used a prohibited substance or was negligent or otherwise at fault. 

As a signatory of the World Anti-Doping Code (WADC), the IPC remains committed to a doping-free sporting environment at all levels. The IPC has established the IPC Anti-Doping Code (Code) in compliance with the general principles of the WADC, including the WADC International Standards, expecting that, in the spirit of sport, it will lead the fight against doping in sport for Athletes with an impairment.

Über International Paralympic Committee

The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) is the global governing body of the Paralympic Movement. Its vision is to make for an inclusive society through Para sport.

Founded on 22 September 1989, the IPC is an international non-profit organisation with more than 200 members made up of National Paralympic Committees, International Federations, Regional Organisations and International Organisations of Sport for the Disabled. The IPC Headquarters and its management team are located in Bonn, Germany.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

International Paralympic Committee
Adenauerallee 212-214
53113 Bonn
Telefon: +49 (228) 2097-200
Telefax: +49 (228) 2097-209

Philip Dorward
IPC Head of Communications
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