Save the Date: BioEntrepreneurship Summit 2021 – digitally delivered (Kongress | Online)
Create the future of medicine!
BioEntrepreneurship Summit 2021 – digitally delivered – from October 19 to 21 this year!
At the BioEntrepreneurship Summit, we bring together founders, startup enthusiasts, experienced entrepreneurs, corporates and investors to foster the exchange of knowledge, to inspire and to empower, and to celebrate life science entrepreneurship. In 2021, the event will be organized in a fully virtual format.
Highlights 2021
- Be part of the bioentrepreneurial ecosystem
- Learn from peers, experienced entrepreneurs and industry leaders
- Meet exciting pre-seed and start-up showcases
- Get to know investors and their investment focus
- Be inspired by key notes and captivating panel discussions
- Arrange 1:1 meetings and make new contacts while speed dating
- Participate in workshops, campfires and other interactive formats
- Get to know key trends shaping the industry and the future of medicine
- Enjoy the m4 award ceremony
Stay tuned for more information at: www.bioentrepreneurshipsummit.org
Please mark your calendar – we are looking forward to seeing you in October!
Active participation – very welcome!
- Pitch or exhibit your pre-seed or seed-ready start-up project
- Pitch or represent your venture fund
- Offer a relevant hands-on workshop or an inspiring lecture
Please contact: Christina Enke-Stolle (enke-stolle@bio-m.org)
Become a Sponsor!
Please contact: Dr. Andreas Berghammer (berghammer@bio-m.org)
Eventdatum: 19.10.21 – 21.10.21
Eventort: Online
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
BioM Biotech Cluster Development GmbH
Am Klopferspitz 19a
82152 Martinsried
Telefon: +49 (89) 899679-0
Telefax: +49 (89) 899679-79
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