Eckert & Ziegler with Strong First Half of 2021
Although a large part of this growth is due to income from the sale of the tumor irradiation business, the development of the operating business in both segments is also extremely encouraging. The analysis of the operating result, which rose from € 19.0 million in the previous year to € 29.4 million, clearly illustrates this. Approximately half of the increase of € 10.4 million compared with the first half of 2020 (€ 5.4 million) results from the increase in the balance of other operating income and expenses, while a further € 5.0 million is attributable to improvements in the operating result.
Despite the deconsolidation of the tumor irradiation business and the associated loss of this revenue, the Medical segment was able to increase its sales revenues by a total of € 3.2 million or 8% to € 41.5 million. The main growth driver continued to be the Radiopharmaceuticals business, which includes pharmaceutical radioisotopes, plant engineering, and project business. Sales revenues from laboratory equipment also increased.
At € 50.3 million, the Isotope Products segment achieved sales revenues that were € 3.2 million or around 7% higher than in the first six months of 2020. Following the slumps in connection with the Covid and oil crises last year, the segment was thus able to grow again as expected.
With around € 22 million, the Eckert & Ziegler Group achieved earnings in the first half of 2021 that exceeded original expectations. The Executive Board therefore expects the Group result to exceed the forecast for net income in fiscal year 2021 published at the beginning of the year by around 20%. As already published in the ad-hoc announcement of July 27, 2021, the Executive Board is therefore increasing the target for net income from € 29 million to € 35 million, which corresponds to an EPS of around € 1.70.
The complete quarterly report can be viewed here:
Eckert & Ziegler Strahlen- und Medizintechnik AG with more than 800 employees is a leading specialist for isotope-related components in nuclear medicine and radiation therapy. The company offers a broad range of services and products for the radiopharmaceutical industry, from early development work to contract manufacturing and distribution. Eckert & Ziegler shares (ISIN DE0005659700) are listed in the TecDAX index of Deutsche Börse.
Contributing to saving lives.
Eckert & Ziegler Strahlen- und Medizintechnik AG
Robert-Rössle-Str. 10
13125 Berlin
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