Beauty & Wellness

Help with Pigment Spots and Uneven Complexion

What are pigment spots?

Pigment spots, also called hyperpigmentation, melasma or age spots, are dark skin discolorations that vary in shape and color, causing an uneven complexion. They mainly occur in the skin areas most exposed to the sun: the lower arm areas, the back of the hand, the cleavage and the face. An irregular complexion can be annoying, although it is usually harmless from a medical point of view..

How does hyperpigmentation arise?

Pigment spots usually become visible on the affected skin areas after years of sun exposure. But they can also arise after acne, in the area of scars or through hormonal changes, such as during pregnancy or through the use of birth control pills. The body’s own skin pigment melanin is responsible for the dark, blotchy skin appearance. The excessive pigmentation is the result of inflammation, stimulating the pigment cells to produce excessive melanin.

What helps against an uneven complexion?

Lemon juice is often recommended as a home remedy to bleach pigment spots. The juice should be applied to the dark areas of the skin several times a day. But be careful: Lemon juice should never be used on sensitive skin. It dries out your skin, increases irritability, leads to irritation, redness and itching. In addition, the furocoumarins in citrus fruits can have a phototoxic effects in combination with sunlight and even more cause spots on your skin.

To remove pigment spots, dermatologists prefer to carry out laser treatments under local anesthesia. Light-based energy, released into the tissue, causes the unwanted color particles in the skin to burst. So-called microneedling is offered as a treatment by medical beauticians. The skin is injured with small needles. In this way, it is intended to stimulate the formation of new skin tissue. Another method is the so called dermabrasion of the irregularities for an even complexion. With this method, too, the top skin layer is sanded off by a device.

In contrast to these methods, we prefer the gentle way and recommend natural active ingredients that lighten pigment spots in a skin-friendly manner with a proven effectiveness. These are mainly:

  • Ascorbyl Glucoside (naturally stabilized vitamin C with depot function)
  • Bakuchiol (skin-friendly, plant-based retinol alternative)
  • Niacinamide (vitamin B3)
  • Licorice root extract

Which myrto facial serums containing these natural active ingredients are recommendable for my skin?

  • The Refining Bakuchiol Oil Serum
    smoothes fine lines and wrinkles, reduces pigment and age spots. This oil-based serum contains 1% Bakuchiol as the optimal concentration at which the effectiveness has been proven
  • The Brightening Vitamin Serum
    also has a balancing effect on hyperpigmentation for gradually fading away. This rejuvenating face serum contains stabilized vitamin C as well as bakuchiol, vitamin B 3 and regenerating vitamin E. The Vitamin Serum promotes a smooth and even complexion.
  • The Anti-Pollution Moisturizer Serum
    for mature resp. sensitive combination skin is an active ingredient serum with cell-protecting ectoin, antioxidants and powerful moisturizers. Ectoin offers protection against modern stress factors such as increasing environmental pollution or "blue light" emanating from screen sources such as PC monitors. Ectoin stimulates the skin’s repair mechanism, increasing skin elasticity, reducing lines and wrinkles.
  • The Magnolia Calming Serum
    is a soothing facial serum with 20% lipids for sensitive skin as well as couperose or rosacea. This serum is suitable as a sole facial care in the warmer seasons. The main active ingredients are magnolia bark, green tea and the gently lightening licorice root extract.

As usual at myrto, you will not find any fragrances or alcohol, skin-weakening emulsifiers or preservatives (in accordance with the EU Cosmetics Regulation) in our 100% vegan organic facial serums. All myrto serums are also free of palm oil.

Tips: How to prevent pigment spots

  • If you stay in the sun for a longer time, we recommend to apply an additional mineral sun protection with a high SPF. In this way you avoid sunburn, which promotes the development of pigment spots and also increases the risk of skin cancer.
  • Make sure you wear protective clothing while staying in the sun.
  • Avoid the strong midday sun between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. in midsummer. Prefer to stay in the shade.
  • Medications can cause hyperpigmentation or pigment spots. If necessary, ask your physician for possible alternatives.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

myrto-naturalcosmetics® Manufaktur
Königsberger Straße 43
51469 Bergisch Gladbach
Telefon: +49 (2202) 459-612
Telefax: +49 (2202) 459-629

Prof. Dr. Peter Kruck
Telefon: +49 (2202) 459352
Fax: +49 (2202) 459629
Eva Silvana Kruck
Telefon: +49 (2202) 459612
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