Micro Focus Launches Digital Safe Managed Services to Help Regulated Organizations Reduce Legal and Operational Risk Costs
“In a world where information is a vital resource, navigating complex and constantly changing compliance regulations is both mission-critical and a major organizational resource drain,” said Scott Richards, Micro Focus Vice President and General Manager of Information Management and Governance. “The Micro Focus Digital Safe Managed Services remove roadblocks to efficient compliance risk mitigation by offering a tailored archiving and supervision solution to suit individual clients’ strategies and environments that is designed to work in lockstep with their IT and business units.”
Digital Safe Managed Services include a range of other benefits:
- Dedicated Expertise: Micro Focus Data Consultancy engineering expertise in regulatory and compliance technology, resolving complex challenges with source feed onboarding, data migrations, remediations, reporting, and business analytics.
- Compliance by Design: Specialized handling of data via various media and storage devices to preserve full life cycle of compliance archiving and supervision. Over 2,000 projects successfully reconciled, audited, and reviewed by Micro Focus clients, their advisors, and regulatory authorities.
- Processes and Reporting: Structured and repeatable processes for data capture and insights objectives, with progress and final reporting developed by a team of Micro Focus subject matter experts proficient with over 80 source formats and associated meta data.
- Data Consultant Model: Micro Focus relies on an effective approach to resolving a wide variety of compliance data challenges through trusted and proven services, built on best practices, industry standards, and scalable and referenceable architectures on purpose-built dedicated hardware.
- Application Programming Interfaces (APIs): Design, development, testing, and training services by Digital Safe API consultants to help ensure that organizations enjoy the full benefits of automation.
Micro Focus Digital Safe Managed Services are designed to meet the needs of clients to rely on Micro Focus expertise to execute on their compliance strategy and consume resources as needed. Micro Focus’ Digital Safe Compliance Archiving and Supervision solution supports highly regulated industries and furthers the Micro Focus commitment to helping the market manage compliance, regulatory, privacy and reputational risks across global financial services, banking, and insurance industries.
More Information
To learn more about Digital Safe Managed Services please visit here.
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