
Mobile Kanban shelf for floor-plan flexibility

Lean production principles increasingly require layout flexibility. With its future-oriented design REYHER’s new mobile Kanban shelf contributes to increased productivity at assembly workstations.

Owing to its stable static with a load bearing capacity of up to one ton, REYHER’s mobile Kanban shelf is optimized, housing a lot of material in a limited space.

The shelf consists of sheet metal on the front, riveted plugged-in shelving from a brand manufacturer, produced in accordance with RAL-RG 614 quality specification for storage and operating units.

With a total of eight levels including a shelf for empty bins the shelf can hold 42 ROM | LTB Kanban bins using a two-bin system.

There is a push through guard to prevent the front bin falling out when a new bin is added from the back. Four sturdy swivel castors on the mobile frame enable the shelf to be manoeuvred without problem in the smallest of spaces. A locking mechanism prevents undesirable movement and provides a stable stance.

Easy access to material from Rom | LTB Kanban bins

Combined with the ROM | LTB Kanban bins, the mobile Kanban shelf makes an effective contribution to increased productivity at assembly workstations. Using the sliding mechanism, the bin can be transformed from a transport bin to an open fronted bin with only one hand movement. This makes it easier to collect materials from ROM | LTB bins in the mobile Kanban shelf.

Reliable Kanban supplies with ROM – REYHER Order Management

REYHER’s c-part management system has been available since 1993. Using ROM – REYHER Order Management provides our customers with the highest supply and process reliability. Modules can be combined, RFDI technology, barcode systems, flexible labelling and modern data interchange can build an all-round seamless package for smooth materials supply.

Über die F. REYHER Nchfg. GmbH & Co. KG

With more than 130 years’ experience Reyher is one of the leading trading companies for fasteners and fastening technology in Europe supplying customers in industry and trade worldwide. Over 800 employees at our central location in Hamburg ensure individual, flexible solutions for reliable supplies of c-parts, with a delivery rate of over 99 percent. In 2020, REYHER achieved a turnover of around 320 million euros with more over 11,000 customers.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

F. REYHER Nchfg. GmbH & Co. KG
Haferweg 1
22769 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (40) 85363-0

Katja Flencker
Leitung Marketing/Kommunikation
Telefon: +49 (40) 85363750
E-Mail: katja.flencker@reyher.de
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