Proven high performance – Landitec’s network hardware now officially certified by OPNsense®
Frequent extension of product range with certified state-of-the-art hardware
Offering high quality and powerful performing hardware products is just a first obligatory step which needs to be taken to be recognized as a reliable network hardware distributor. The business philosophy of Landitec® always goes one step further by maintaining this predefined level of high quality. Landitec® declares this described status as minimum goal and consistently strives for best possible performance outcomes of their networking hardware solutions. In order to provide clients with a definite overview and a confirming verification of performance results, Landitec® successively extends its product range with certified state-of-the-art appliances. These hardware solutions constantly keep up with the enormous development speed of IT, ensuring to always be technically up to date: a circumstance which the German hardware distributor defines as a top priority quality label.
Outstanding performance results – approved and certified by OPNsense®
Whether for SOHO, medium sized or large enterprise network infrastructures, Landitec® provides a wide-ranging series of OPNsense® certified hardware appliances, deployable for various project scenarios. Regarding the certification process, the compatibility of scope7® solutions with core features of the open source software OPNsense® – such as firewalling (routing/NAT), AES-NI, IPsec, VLANs (IEEE 802.1q), intrusion prevention and webproxy – has been tested. In addition, the appliances also have undergone general performance tests with focus on link speed, routing performance, firewall performance and IPS performance. The result values confirm an overall gapless compatibility of all tested appliances, whereas the performance results verify high throughput values in all tested sectors. To sum up, the OPNsense® certified scope7® hardware appliances ensure a seamless and altogether satisfying product experience, noticeably optimizing the security and efficiency of network infrastructures.
About scope7®
scope7® is Landitec’s own brand for ready to use hardware appliances. Engineered to offer an ideal platform especially for open source software solutions, scope7® appliances can be deployed in small sized up to large enterprise purposes. Due to a set of appliances built with different components, the scope7® appliances are able to also match specifically tailored requirements. Already made pre-tests ensure a trouble-free process between hardware and software, saving valuable time. Due to its open source-based software platform, users can profit from advantages such as saving license fees, open verification of software solutions, vendor independence and flexibility.
About OPNsense®
OPNsense® is an open source firewall and routing software platform. The community of this open source project aims to provide an easy-to-use application which simultaneously offers a range of features usually to be found in expensive commercial firewalls. OPNsense® is available without license costs and offers notably better price/performance ratio. The main intention of OPNsense® is to provide a user-friendly, reliable and transparent environment. The security platform comes with frequent updates and 2 major releases every year. OPNsense® is a Deciso® B.V. open source project.
Landitec ist ein spezialisierter Distributor für Netzwerkausstattung. Seit 1996 haben die IT-Fachleute von Landitec Erfahrungen im Verkaufen von Peripheriegeräten gewonnen. Im März 2007 wurde die Landitec Distribution GmbH als offizieller Distributor für Europa von Lanner Electronics Inc.,Taipei/Taiwan ausgezeichnet. Die Produkte der Landitec Distribution GmbH werden gemäß deutschem Qualitätsstandard geliefert. Außerdem wird für jedes Produkt ein spezieller Qualitätstandard-Zyklus durchgeführt. Produktspezifische Hardware-Tests und finale Kontrollen vor dem Versand sorgen dafür, dass höchste Verfügbarkeit, sowie die Qualität der Produkte garantiert sind. Die Kunden von Landitec profitieren dabei von einer großen Produktauswahl mit Lager in Deutschland, wodurch Kosten und Zeit gespart werden. Außerdem gewährleistet Ihnen die Landitec Distribution damit einen Echtzeit RMA- und Reparaturservice. Ein weiterer Vorteil ist unser logistisch günstig liegender Standort in der Nähe des Kamener Autobahnkreuzes, welches die ersten Autobahnen des Landes, die A1 und die A2, verbindet. Die Landitec Distribution ist durch ihre speziellen Kenntnisse mit ihrem Vertriebs- und Support Team ein starker und zuverlässiger Partner.
Landitec Distribution GmbH
Südfeld 9C
59174 Kamen
Telefon: +49 (2307) 914740-1
Telefax: +49 (2307) 914740-8
Telefon: +49 (2301) 949378-3
Telefon: +49 (2307) 914740-2
E-Mail: sales@landitec.com