Research Project: Simultaneous Processing of Metalliferous Residual Materials
It is the aim of the current research to recycle waste incineration ashes, slag from the metallurgical industry and materials from the prcoessing of lithium-ion battery together and to examine possible recycling paths.
Research and Development have always been an integral part of the ATM philosophy and have helped to further develop our machines so that the best possible results can be achieved for our customers. Therfore, ATM is currently building a test center together with its ASCO Group partners LiTech GmbH and ASCO BH d.o.o. on the ATM premises. The new test center’s infrastructure will be increasingly used in the course of the research project.
The ASCO Group International is a corporate family with a focus on steel construction, machinery and plant engineering and environmental technology. ASCO Group consists of 11 companies and provides solutions ranging from steel construction, machinery and plant engineering to service and automation. Depending on customer requirements, we are therefore capable of realizing individual as well as overall projects on a national or international basis.
ATM stands for Arnold Technology for Metal Recycling based on more than 80 years of experience. The company plans, produces and provides worldwide service support for metal recycling systems for the treatment of secondary raw materials.
ATM Recyclingsystems GmbH
Josef-Ressel-Gasse 8
A8753 Fohnsdorf
Telefon: +43 (3573) 27527-0
Telefax: +43 (3573) 27527-390
E-Mail: s.harrer@atm-recyclingsystems.com