
REYHER Tight Bits make overhead work easier

REYHER has introduced a new bit series – Tight Bits, which prevent the tool from slipping out of the screw head. This makes overhead work, much easier.

Most users of hexagon socket screws are familiar with the problem. The relatively large leeway between screw and bit leads to a tumbling motion when screwing, or the bit slips out of the screw head. REYHER’s new Tight Bits with wider, stronger bit wings and a conical design, provide optimal positive locking with the screw. This new design creates a clamping effect and allows the bit to sit firmly in the screw. Especially when working above your head this is a big advantage, as the tool with the Tight Bit needs only one hand. Strengthened bit wings provide higher energy transfer.

Tight Bits can be used for every application with hex drive screws. To start with, five different sizes are available from our stock: T 15, 20, 25, 30 and 40 x 25.

As from now Tight Bits can be ordered directly in the RIO – REYHER Internet Order Webshop, article 8917. Additional bit types (e.g.cross head /slotted or deep reach) are also readily available from the store.

Über die F. REYHER Nchfg. GmbH & Co. KG

With more than 130 years’ experience Reyher is one of the leading trading companies for fasteners and fastening technology in Europe supplying customers in industry and trade worldwide. Over 800 employees at our central location in Hamburg ensure individual, flexible solutions for reliable supplies of c-parts, with a delivery rate of over 99 percent. In 2020, REYHER achieved a turnover of around 320 million euros with more over 11,000 customers.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

F. REYHER Nchfg. GmbH & Co. KG
Haferweg 1
22769 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (40) 85363-0

Katja Flencker
Leitung Marketing/Kommunikation
Telefon: +49 (40) 85363750
E-Mail: katja.flencker@reyher.de
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