Finanzen / Bilanzen

SCHUMANN holds international online Credit Risk Management Conference

The economic changes caused by the corona pandemic are enormous, but whilst some industries are suffering under the developments, others have profited. For this reason, credit managers need to look closely at which industries their customers and suppliers are active in and how the liquidity has developed in these sectors. "To answer these questions, it is worthwhile making full use of digitalization in credit management and pushing forward automation of processes. Our conference offers interesting insights on this, based on practical experience in companies", said Dr. Martina Städtler-Schumann, Managing Director of Prof. Schumann GmbH. She is sure that: "Digitalized processes provide a decisive competitive advantage because they make companies, banks and insurers faster and more robust."

The international SCHUMANN Conference in September will therefore focus on exactly these themes. On two parallel channels, one in German and one in English, the conference will cover a broad spectrum of interests. The following questions will be dealt with in panel discussions, talks and presentations:

  • Which new solutions are there?
  • How can companies realize their digitalization strategies in practical terms?
  • Which methods and techniques are insurance companies, financial service providers & industrial and trading companies using during the corona pandemic?

This year’s SCHUMANN Digital Credit Risk Management Conference will again take place as a virtual live-stream event. Städtler-Schumann explains: "This makes it possible for us to gain more international experts as speakers. Born out of necessity last year, this is a positive consequence of the corona pandemic for us because exchanging information across countries and industries is enormously enriching and the diversity of participants is very important." Representatives of large companies, platforms and associations such as abcfinance, Aurubis, Atradius Deutschland, BFS finance GmbH, Canopius Group, Dun & Bradstreet Europe, FCI, ICISA, km Credit Consulting, MeinAuto Group AG, Peter Cremer Holding GmbH & Co. KG and Zurich Gruppe Deutschland have already agreed to make an active contribution. The conference thereby enables a deep insight into a wide range of industries and countries. The potential of digital solutions will be a major theme as well as current developments such as the new Supply Chain Act.

The SCHUMANN Conference is aimed at decision-makers and those in practical positions who are responsible for company development and processes in credit risk management. The agenda and the registration form for the SCHUMANN Digital Credit Risk Management Conference on 30th September 2021 can be found here:

Über die Prof. Schumann GmbH

With its headquarters in Germany, SCHUMANN is a family-run company that uses modern technologies to create innovative and reliable IT solutions for businesses worldwide. Many years of experience guarantee customers high quality and a stable, cooperative relationship based on partnership. The company’s software products and comprehensive, competent consultancy enable companies to do business more efficiently and effectively.

With flexible, scalable products, SCHUMANN offers specific industry solutions in the areas of (credit) risk management, the associated process control and risk evaluation. Companies are put into a position to save costs through optimized processes and thus to increase their competitiveness. Industrial and trading companies, financial service businesses and providers of credit insurance and surety bonds have been relying on software solutions from SCHUMANN for more than two decades.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Prof. Schumann GmbH
Jutta-Limbach Straße 1
37073 Göttingen
Telefon: +49 (551) 383150
Telefax: +49 (551) 3831520

Martina Hammer
Telefon: +49 (551) 38315-24
Fax: +49 (551) 38315-20
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