The fascination of gold
Modern technical devices practically always contain a certain amount of gold. This is because gold is an integral part of industry, especially in electronics, otherwise they would not work. Around ten percent of the gold mined goes into this area. A smartphone contains an average of 30 to 35 mg of gold. Highly stressed contact surfaces such as the contacts of sim cards, the mobile phone circuit board or the battery benefit from gold. It is estimated that around six tons of gold are slumbering in the drawers of old German mobile phones. However, it is not possible to extract the gold from the mobile phones oneself, because special chemicals would be required. Silver and rare earths are also found in mobile phones.
Not only mobile phones, but also many other electronic devices use the highly efficient conductor gold. Built into switches, solder joints or connecting wires, gold can be found in computers, for example. One area that relies on the reliability of the materials is aerospace. Gold is also used here. In medicine, gold is one of the oldest remedies. Not only the Egyptians were convinced of the healing power of gold thousands of years ago, but also traditional Chinese medicine believes in a strengthening effect of the precious metal. In the Middle Ages, Arab doctors assumed a rejuvenating effect and in Europe there were immortality elixirs with gold dust. Gold has been proven to have an antibacterial effect. And gold in tiny amounts acts as a regulator on the immune system, as was discovered only a few years ago.
Gold can also do something else, namely hedge savings and stand up to the decline of fiat currencies. That’s where gold companies like Chesapeake Gold or Aztec Minerals come in handy.
Aztec Minerals – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRhGcrY20wc – has a stake in the Cervantes porphyry gold-copper project in Mexico (neighbors are the producing mines of Alamos Gold and Agnico Eagle) as well as in the Tombstone project (silver, lead, zinc, gold) in Arizona.
Chesapeake Gold – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-5U6YbRANc – is pleased to report positive PEA results for the Phase 1 mine plan at the Metates gold-silver-zinc project in Durango, Mexico.
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