The perfection of digital networking – NIC-place presents new search & connect features within the Data Control Center (DCC)
The perfection of digital networking – NIC-place presents new search & connect features within the Data Control Center (DCC)
Find suitable partners, build cooperations, increase efficiency. And all this in compliance with data protection regulations.
Reading time: 5 minutes well worth it
Tailored access solutions for carriers, 3PL & 4PL, trademarks and retail business. In the future, it will be even easier for you to find the perfectly suitable partners for order fulfillment: NIC-place enables you to expand your partner network with suitable companies coming from the food or pharmaceutical/refrigerated related industry.
The benefits thanks to NIC-place: You work with specialists for each implementation step, thus ensuring quality, maximizing your own performance and saving valuable time. The results: enormous competitive advantages, satisfied customers and therefore increasing profit.
New: the search functionality in the "B2B Connect" area.
Our B2B-Connect search functionality enables you to search for and connect with your business partners via NIC-place. You can search and connect to existing ones. Or start the invitation process for any missing partner right from your B2B-Connect panel with just one click.
In the future, you will benefit even more from NIC-place: On the one hand, NIC-place is THE professional platform for targeted and controlled data exchange – on the other hand, NIC-place is where companies meet and team up that would otherwise find each other only with difficulty or never! Take advantage of these success factors for your company.
Data Control Center > ‚B2B Connect‘ > ‚Looking for companies‘.
The new search function in the ‚B2B Connect‘ area is based on the performance parameters specified in each user’s company profile. The more precise the business information is, the more detailed the search and the more accurate the result.
The result thanks to NIC-place: a win-win situation for you and your business partner(s).
Of course, you can also be found and receive cooperation requests – simply activate your account for the search!
In principle, cooperations can arise between all players in the supply chain or be initiated by any player: from the shipper side as well as between carriers, 3PL, 4PL warehousing partners or sub-contractors. It doesn’t get more flexible, efficient and customer friendly.
Your advantages:
- Performance & quality boost
You find the best partner companies to complement your services.
- Reliable planning
Working exclusively with professionals improves your project planning.
- Immense time savings
With the right partner-network, you simply get to your goal faster on every project.
- Sustainable competitive advantages
The bundling of competencies strengthens your market position in the long term.
- Increasing your profitability
When every part of your supply chain becomes more efficient, this translates into happy customers which transform into more profit across the board and long-term relationships.
This is how you benefit:
1. Log in to the Data Control Center
Log in to your personalized DCC area with your access data as usual.
New to NIC-place? Register here:
2. Optimize company profile
You can only be found if your company profile lists all your business parameters (especially relevant for temperature requirements). Therefore, check your company profile for completeness and add any missing performance parameters – simply by clicking. Then activate yourself for the search.
3. Enter search criteria
Select – simply by clicking with the mouse – the performance parameters that your cooperation partners must have, e.g. ‚temp recorder‘, ‚temperature-controlled transports‘ or ‚ISO 9000 ff‘. After clicking on ‚Search for companies‘, the best results for your needs are identified from the mass of companies already listed on NIC-place. You can see details of the respective company after clicking on the company name.
4. Send enquiry
You can send an enquiry to each of these companies, e.g. to solve a problem or to explore cooperation possibilities: Simply click on ‚Send enquiry‘. Alternatively, you have the option of contacting potential partners by e-mail and inviting them to cooperate.
5. Start cooperation
Once your new cooperation partner has accepted your request, you can exchange transport orders and data from now on to ultimately benefit together. It’s that simple!
Keyword data protection: NIC-place is guaranteed secure.
NIC-place guarantees compliance with all data protection regulations at all times. Only with your active consent will your company profile be included in the search in compliance with data protection regulations, and only then will potential partners be able to find your company. You alone decide whether you want to share data with your cooperation partner(s) permanently or only during a common project. Your personal partner networks are not visible to anyone but you.
The new search & connect features in the Data Control Center (DCC) facilitate holistic and sustainably profitable cooperations with other (refrigerated) logistics providers operating on NIC-place in compliance with data protection regulations.
What you should do now:
- Log into the DCC: Benefit sustainably from our innovative software solutions.
- Optimize your company profile: The more detailed your information, the more likely you are to be found. Unlock yourself for the search – simply by clicking!
- Search and find profitable partners: On NIC-place, you identify exactly the partner(s) you need to successfully realize your transport orders.
Perfect for managing operational logistics and dealing with emergency situations.
NIC-place ist der „place to be“ für die Transport- und Logistikbranche und bietet seit 2009 Softwarelösungen, die ganzheitlich auf die Anforderungen an Transparenz im Transportwesen abgestimmt sind.
Mit dem Data Control Center hat NIC-place einen völlig neuen Ansatz und Standard für den sicheren Datenaustausch mit weiteren Real-Time-Visibility-Lösungen im Markt etabliert. Es ermöglicht Unternehmen die Teilnahme am vernetzten Logistik-Ökosystem, während sie gleichzeitig die Kontrolle über ihr geschlossenes Partnernetzwerk behalten.
NIC-place ist Marktführer im Bereich temperaturgeführter und high value Transporte sowie in der Schienenlogistik und ist bekannt für sein tiefes und solides Telematikwissen. Die Plattform verbindet das größte Cluster in Europa an Kühllogistikern und Unternehmen mit höchsten Qualitätsstandards, um digital zu kooperieren und Daten in maximaler Tiefe auszutauschen.
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87439 Kempten
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Telefon: +49 (831) 6971745-19
E-Mail: k.bregler@nic-place.com