WFSGI pays tribute to the passing of Honorary Director, Jeroen Snijders Blok
It is with deep sadness that the World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry (WFSGI) writes to inform you of the passing of their Honorary Director, Jeroen Snijders Blok, on 3 August 2021.
Jeroen (62) was a highly respected and driven leader in the Sporting Goods Industry with a long history of dedicating his time to the development and uniting of the Bicycle Industry.
Prior to his passing, Jeroen had been awarded the title of Honorary Director of the WFSGI. He was a WFSGI Board Member from 2011 to 2021 and the Chair of the WFSGI Bicycle Steering Committee from 2011 to 2020. During these 10 years, Jeroen was the driving force behind the Bicycle Committee at the WFSGI. With his great passion for the bicycle business and his loyalty to the EU community, he aimed to build a strong, powerful bicycle manufacturing cluster.
Jeroen was a strong and neutral leader, innovative and engaged in many industry organizations (I.e., European Bicycle Manufacturers Association, Dutch Association for Reduction of Bicycle Theft, Dutch Cyclist Federation and more) while always showing immense respect for his competitors. Not only did he invest in the bicycle industry, but Jeroen also poured into his community, supporting, advocating, and investing in those less fortunate. He also served as a mentor for many top leaders in the industry today. His legacy will not be forgotten, his energetic humour, wisdom, and the memories he has given this industry will be well cherished.
The entire bicycle industry honours his legacy and mourns his loss, alongside his family, friends and all those who were fortunate enough to have known him.
Rest in Peace, Jeroen.
Jeroen (62) was a highly respected and driven leader in the Sporting Goods Industry with a long history of dedicating his time to the development and uniting of the Bicycle Industry.
Prior to his passing, Jeroen had been awarded the title of Honorary Director of the WFSGI. He was a WFSGI Board Member from 2011 to 2021 and the Chair of the WFSGI Bicycle Steering Committee from 2011 to 2020. During these 10 years, Jeroen was the driving force behind the Bicycle Committee at the WFSGI. With his great passion for the bicycle business and his loyalty to the EU community, he aimed to build a strong, powerful bicycle manufacturing cluster.
Jeroen was a strong and neutral leader, innovative and engaged in many industry organizations (I.e., European Bicycle Manufacturers Association, Dutch Association for Reduction of Bicycle Theft, Dutch Cyclist Federation and more) while always showing immense respect for his competitors. Not only did he invest in the bicycle industry, but Jeroen also poured into his community, supporting, advocating, and investing in those less fortunate. He also served as a mentor for many top leaders in the industry today. His legacy will not be forgotten, his energetic humour, wisdom, and the memories he has given this industry will be well cherished.
The entire bicycle industry honours his legacy and mourns his loss, alongside his family, friends and all those who were fortunate enough to have known him.
Rest in Peace, Jeroen.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
WFSGI – World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry
Talgut-Zentrum 27
CH3063 Ittigen/Bern
Telefon: +41 (31) 9396061
Telefax: +41 (31) 9396069
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