EU PVSEC 2021 – Green light for the PV solar revolution
- An inspiring conference programme
- Sessions available for streaming
- World Conference in Milan 2022
Solar has the green light to power the energy transition
“You have the green light.” With this positive message for the PV industry Kadri Simson, European Commissioner for Energy, has opened the 38th European PV Solar Energy Conference. In her keynote speech Commissioner Simson emphasised that the Commission is “ready to speed up, scale up and invest in solar PV”. On the road to net zero 2050, the PV industry will play a key role in driving to fulfil the ambitious climate targets of the Commission. Simson underlined that the EU is working on creating the right political framework conditions as well as on investment perspectives.
Ulrike Jahn awarded the Becquerel Prize of the European Commission
Looking back at what has already been achieved in the PV sector in the past, it was a pleasure to see Ulrike Jahn, R&D Manager at VDE Renewables, being awarded with the prestigious Becquerel Prize for her outstanding and continuous contribution to the PV community, dedicating her life’s work to improving the quality and reliability of PV Systems.
EU PVSEC discusses future challenges sector and topics for the sector
Newly introduced this year were a series of topical panel discussions, in which international experts discussed their views on the future developments. These included the ultimate possibilities for crystalline silicon, the currently dominating technology, and concluded that there are still efficiency improvements to come, and it will remain the dominant technology for some years. Tandem devices were also discussed and there is a strong belief that they will come to dominate, but towards the end of this decade. The first generation is likely to be composed of perovskite on a silicon substrate, thereby allowing a more straightforward transition. Other discussions looked at digitalization, sustainability and steps that need to be taken now to accelerate the energy transition to 100% renewable, including the role of storage and green hydrogen.
The EU PVSEC 2021, which was chaired by Prof. João Serra, from the University of Lisbon, has once again offered a broad range of topics, from basic device concepts, through manufacturing, existing and new applications (bifacial modules, BIPV, VIPV, AgriPV), integration, finance, policy and social awareness, providing insights into deep scientific research findings, updates on market strategies, stimulating and inspiring discussions, and an ambitious plea to the PV community, that all aspects – the physical, technical, economic and social dimensions need to be considered and integrated to achieve a global PV energy revolution. Following the successful online format from 2020, the virtual conference this year welcomed over 1300 participants from all over the world, who were not only able to connect, but to interact, discuss and network via the optimised event platform.
Session recordings available for three months
The entire content of the EU PVSEC 2021, including scientific Conference Sessions, Parallel Events, Panel Discussions, and Industry Presentations will be available for streaming on the event platform for 3 months after the event. In addition to the recordings, the EU PVSEC offers a variety of sessions to watch for free on the EU PVSEC Youtube Channel.
World Conference 2022 in Milan
In 2022, Europe has the honour to host the 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion from 26 – 30 September 2022 in the beautiful city of Milan, Italy. Being in place for more than a quarter of a century, the WCPEC, being held every four years, is combining the world’s three largest conferences on photovoltaic research, the EU PVSEC, the IEEE PVSC, and the PVSEC.
Since it is planned to be the first physical event after two years of virtual conferences, it is particularly pleasing to see a local figure appointed as General Chair of the world conference. Dr. Alessandra Scognamiglio, senior researcher with many years of experience in the use of photovoltaics and buildings, and coordinator of the task force “Sustainable Agrivoltaics” at ENEA, will hold this position and lead the conference in the Italian metropolis.
Background EU PVSEC
The EU PVSEC is the world’s leading forum for PV Research and Development and the biggest Conference on PV Solar Energy. With a history of over 40 years, EU PVSEC is the longest running, renowned PV conference in the world.
The scientific programme is coordinated by the European Commission Joint Research Centre.
You can find pictures and a PDF of the press release at the following links:
• Press Release PDF: https://www.photovoltaicconference.com/…
• Banners:
Contact Information:
For more information contact Stefanie Leanza
Mail: press@wip-munich.de
Phone: +49 (0)89 720 12 730
Die Wirtschaft und Infrastruktur GmbH & Co Planungs-KG (WIP) plant, entwickelt und betreut die Errichtung und den Betrieb von Systemen und Anlagen in den Bereichen Energie- und Umwelttechnik. Das Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz in München wurde 1968 gegründet. Das Dienstleistungsspektrum in dem Geschäftsfeld erneuerbare Energien reicht von der Anlagenentwicklung über das Betriebsmonitoring bis zur Strategieentwicklung für eine umfassende Einbindung von regenerativen Energien in die Energiewirtschaft. Die Europäische Photovoltaikkonferenz und Ausstellung wird seit 1986 von WIP organisiert.
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