Experts Detail Surprising New Capabilities of ED-XRF Technology in New White Paper
First developed in the 1980s as the “poor man’s x-ray fluorescence spectrometer,” primarily suitable for quantitative analysis for analyzing a few simple sample matrices, ED-XRF analyzers have undergone continuing and exciting technological development. Today, due to an ongoing march of generational improvements, ED-XRF devices provide the high-quality measurement of most elements in the periodic table from uranium (U) to fluorine (F).
In the new white paper, leading industry experts track the evolution of ED-XRF technology. The report compares the abilities of ED-XRF analyzers to more expensive, complicated, and once superior WD-XRF devices — and details the significant new benefits for users, including sensitivity and precision, cycle time and throughput, ease of use, compactness, and cost of ownership.
Today, ED-XRF technology offers effective solutions for a wide array of both routine and challenging real-world analytical applications, including petrochemicals, chemicals, environmental and geological samples, clinker/cement/slag, cosmetics, food, pharmaceuticals, and many more.
The best new generation, high-performance ED-XRF analyzers deliver a multi-elemental analysis of major, minor, and trace element concentrations with very good resolution, even in samples of unknown composition — liquid, powder, or solid. They require no external chilling equipment. Low-volume helium purging is used only when required for light elements in liquids and powders, with a vacuum system for solid samples. In comparison, experts say the most advanced ED-XRF spectrometer typically requires half the purchase price of a top-flight WD-XRF and is significantly less expensive in terms of ongoing operation and maintenance.
Follow the experts on the evolution of ED-XRF. Download the complete white paper, “Surprising New Capabilities of ED-XRF Technology,” now at https://go.spectro.com/whitepaper/en/xrf-surprising-capabilities
SPECTRO -a unit of the Materials Analysis Division of AMETEK, Inc. – manufactures advanced instruments, develops the best solutions for elemental analysis in a broad range of applications, and provides exemplary customer service.
SPECTRO’s products are known for their superior technical capabilities that deliver measurable benefits to the customer. From its foundation in 1979 until today, more than 50,000 analytical instruments have been delivered to customers around the world.
AMETEK, Inc. is a leading global manufacturer of electronic instruments and electromechanical devices with 2020 sales of more than $4.5 billion. For more information, visit http://www.spectro.com or email spectro.info@ametek.com.
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