Residential solutions up close
Implemented by the renowned D’Art agency, the showroom concept is based on an existing plan of the Schüco exhibition stand for Fensterbau Frontale 2020, which was cancelled due to the pandemic. With a focus on sustainability, it integrates exhibits and stand components that had already been built. While it was initially only possible to experience the brand virtually at the exhibition, a physical brand space has now been created in Weißenfels across 400 square metres, where architects, fabricators and distributors of ready-made units can come, by appointment, to find out about all the new products and services for residential construction.
The overall architectural concept of the showroom is characterised by a combination of anthracite grey surfaces, warm gold and woodgrain shades, a range of stone looks and a variety of plants. Visitors to Schüco are welcomed to an inviting foyer where a social wall provides information about current topics at Schüco. Designed as a room-in-room construction, the exhibition area with the topic studios opens out directly onto a mixed-use events space. The different areas are clearly demarcated with large lettering. The Arrival, View and Panorama topic studios showcase Schüco residential solutions, while the Service area presents the comprehensive Schüco service portfolio.
The Arrival area features stylish, smart entrance doors with leaf-enclosing door infills and barrier-free level thresholds made from PVC-U and aluminium. Here visitors can also find out about the Schüco access control and communication systems that are integrated into the profile. Among these solutions is Schüco DCS (Door Control System), which combines audio and video door communication with convenient and secure access control. The Schüco BlueCon access control module is also showcased, which uses Bluetooth technology to enable you to use your smartphone to operate your entrance door without a key. In addition, the Arrival area has a wide range of surface finish technologies and colour options on display.
The View area is all about windows and window doors made from PVC-U. This is where you can discover the new Schüco Symbiotic window system, for example, which combines the two Schüco materials, aluminium and PVC-U, and is characterised by narrow face widths and a minimalist, angular design. The issues of comfort and health are addressed by barrier-free level thresholds for turn/tilt and double-vent Schüco LivIng series units and the Schüco VentoTherm Twist ventilation solution which is integrated into the window, as well as the Schüco Integralmaster internal sun shading system.
The Panorama area features sliding and lift-and-slide doors made from PVC-U for excellent views and maximum natural light penetration without compromising on energy efficiency, security, comfort or design. Outdoor landscapes set the scene for Schüco LivIngSlide versions such as the Panorama design with extremely slimline profile face widths, a barrier-free level threshold and a concealed, electronic drive. Alternatively, there is a mechanical version with the ComfortStop function and burglar resistance to class RC 2. In addition, the company introduces the new Schüco SoftSlide sliding system and the new Schüco EasySlide lift-and-slide generation.
The Service area presents the comprehensive range of services provided by Schüco Polymer Technologies KG. Here there is a particular focus on digital solutions. These include Schüco PolyCal, a new window design software co-developed with Orgadata, which is used to calculate and fabricate Schüco PVC-U windows, doors and sliding doors easily and efficiently. The Schüco PolyPlan planning and specification software is also new and offers comprehensive technical support for the construction of all kinds of unit types and accessories, and provides help when specifying and creating quotations. In addition, visitors to the showroom can gain an overview of the services on offer and the tools available for sales, planning, fabrication and installation as well as after sales.
You can also discover the new Schüco showroom in Weißenfels by taking a 360° virtual tour at: www.schueco.com/polymer_highlights
Contact for registering for a site visit:
Schüco Showroom Weißenfels
Selauer Str. 155
06667 Weißenfels
Tel. +49 3443 342-0
E-mail: showroom-weissenfels@schueco.com
70 Jahre Schüco – Systemlösungen für Fenster, Türen und Fassaden
Die Schüco Gruppe mit Hauptsitz in Bielefeld entwickelt und vertreibt Systemlösungen für Fenster, Türen und Fassaden. Mit weltweit 5.650 Mitarbeitenden arbeitet das Unternehmen daran, heute und in Zukunft Technologie- und Serviceführer der Branche zu sein. Neben innovativen Produkten für Wohn- und Arbeitsgebäude bietet der Gebäudehüllenspezialist Beratung und digitale Lösungen für alle Phasen eines Bauprojektes – von der initialen Idee über die Planung und Fertigung bis hin zur Montage. 10.000 Handwerksbetriebe und 30.000 Architekturbüros sowie Bauschaffen-de, die den Bau eines Gebäudes in Auftrag geben, arbeiten weltweit mit Schüco zu-sammen. 1951 gegründet, ist das Unternehmen heute in mehr als 80 Ländern aktiv und hat in 2020 einen Jahresumsatz von 1,695 Milliarden Euro erwirtschaftet. Weitere Informationen unter www.schueco.de
SCHÜCO International KG
Karolinenstraße 1-15
33609 Bielefeld
Telefon: +49 (521) 78-30
Telefax: +49 (521) 7834-51
Leitung Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Telefon: +49 (521) 783-803
Fax: +49 (521) 783-950803
E-Mail: pr@schueco.com