Unscheduled adjustment in DAX
– Adjustments due to spin-off of Vitesco Technologies Group AG from Continental AG
– DAX calculation on 16 September with 31 companies
Qontigo’s global index provider STOXX Ltd. has announced an unscheduled change to the DAX index. Following the spin-off of Vitesco Technologies Group AG from Continental AG, an adjustment of the DAX index is required: On 16 September 2021, Vitesco Technologies Group AG will be included in the DAX index for one day. This adjustment ensures the trackability of the index for investors. The DAX index will accordingly be calculated on a basis of 31 companies for one day.
Vitesco Technologies Group AG will enter the index with a price of zero. The total number of shares and free float used for the company in the index are given by the parent share (Continental AG) in the index and the ratio for the spin-off. At the closing of Xetra-trading on 16 September, Vitesco Technologies Group AG is taken out of the DAX index again, and the Continental AG weighting will be adjusted accordingly.
DAX®, MDAX®, SDAX® and TecDAX® are registered trademarks of Qontigo Index GmbH.
About Qontigo
Qontigo is a leading global provider of innovative index, analytics and risk solutions that optimize investment impact. As the shift toward sustainable investing acceler-ates, Qontigo enables its clients—financial-products issuers, capital owners and asset managers—to deliver sophisticated and targeted solutions at scale to meet the in-creasingly demanding and unique sustainability goals of investors and asset owners worldwide.
Qontigo’s solutions are enhanced by both our collaborative, customer-centric culture, which allows us to create tailored solutions for our clients, and our open architecture and modern technology that efficiently integrate with our clients’ processes.
Part of the Deutsche Börse Group, Qontigo was created in 2019 through the combi-nation of Axioma, DAX and STOXX. Headquartered in Eschborn, Germany, Qontigo’s global presence includes offices in New York, London, Zug and Hong Kong. www.qontigo.com
STOXX Ltd. is Qontigo’s global index provider, currently calculating a global, comprehensive index family of about 13,000 strictly rules-based and transparent indices. Best known for the leading European equity indices EURO STOXX 50, STOXX Europe 50 and STOXX Europe 600, STOXX Ltd. maintains and calculates the STOXX Global index family which consists of total market, broad and blue-chip indices for the regions Americas, Europe, Asia/Pacific and sub-regions Latin America and BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) as well as global markets.
STOXX is the administrator of the STOXX® and DAX® indices under the European Benchmark Regulation and exercises control over all benchmark administration processes within Qontigo.
STOXX indices are licensed to more than 600 companies around the world as underlyings for Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), futures and options, structured products and passively managed investment funds.
Legal disclaimer:
STOXX Ltd., Qontigo GmbH, Qontigo Index GmbH, Deutsche Boerse Group and their licensors, research partners or data providers do not make any warranties or representations, express or implied, with respect to the timeliness, sequence, accuracy, completeness, currentness, merchantability, quality or fitness for any particular purpose of its index data and exclude any liability in connection therewith. STOXX, Qontigo GmbH, Qontigo Index GmbH, Deutsche Boerse Group and their licensors, research partners or data providers are not providing investment advice through the publication of indices or in connection therewith. In particular, the inclusion of a company in an index, its weighting, or the exclusion of a company from an index, does not in any way reflect an opinion of STOXX, Qontigo GmbH, Qontigo Index GmbH, Deutsche Boerse Group or their licensors, research partners or data providers on the merits of that company. Financial instruments based on the STOXX® indices, DAX® indices or on any other indices supported by STOXX are in no way sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by STOXX, Qontigo GmbH, Qontigo Index GmbH, Deutsche Boerse Group or their licensors, research partners or data providers.
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