With the lanyard CORDULA you don’t need to worry about your keys anymore when you are on the road.
On the way to the concert or a stroll in the city? It’s more fun if you’re certain the keys are taken care of. CORDULA made of sturdy sail rope attaches securely to bags or rucksacks. Inside just as good as outside. With round carabiner and red or blue-black rope.
Keyring with loop made of sail rope with decorative knot, round carabiner for attachment to the keychain, cast metal / polypropylene, shiny, Yellow
- With the lanyard CORDULA you don’t need to worry about your keys anymore when you are on the road
- With decorative sail rope in yellow and several colours
What does one give to the modern man today? We constantly have more than 500 selected products in our range. From big to small, technology to design, absolutely trendy to wonderfully sentimental. High-quality, charming and innovative accessories for the modern man, at work or at home. And, not forgetting for today’s woman.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Nisterfeld 11
57629 Müschenbach
Telefon: +49 (2662) 9511-0
Telefax: +49 (2662) 9511-92
Lena Strobel
Telefon: +49 (2662) 9511106
E-Mail: l.strobel@troika.de
Telefon: +49 (2662) 9511106
E-Mail: l.strobel@troika.de
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