Arvato Systems Joins Digital Association for Social Economy FINSOZ
- Arvato Systems underscores its commitment to digitalization in the care sector
by becoming a member - Arvato Systems will support the connection of the care sector to the telematics infrastructure, which is expected to be implemented by 2024
Arvato Systems, a central player in the operation and development of German telematics infrastructure (TI) in the healthcare industry, is a new member of the Fachverband Informationstechnologie in Sozialwirtschaft und Sozialverwaltung (FINSOZ e. V.) [Association for Information Technology in Social Economy and Social Administration] The unique platform aims to advance the degree of digitalization in social and care facilities.
FINSOZ works together with its members from a wide range of sectors in the care and social economy to develop groundbreaking position papers and implementation measures. As a new member and leading TI company, Arvato Systems supports the agenda of the digital association, which, among other things, founded the “Spitzenverband Digitale Pflegeanwendungen Allianz” (SVDiPA Alliance) [Central Association for Digital Care Applications Alliance] together with other associations from the social, care, and healthcare sectors in 2021 and will coordinate this in the future.
“FINSOZ is a platform with fantastic networking opportunities for Arvato Systems. We are equally committed to providing digitalization in the care sector that will offer real added value to everyone,” explains Kai Ketzer, who assists the development of digital care applications at Arvato Systems. “FINSOZ is a programmatic and practical advocate for rapid and extensive digitalization within the care sector, which is a very complex task to perform due to the large number of facilities and individuals involved. That’s why policymakers need stakeholders such as FINSOZ who possess the knowledge needed to make it a success. We look forward to helping shape the debate as a member.”
Arvato Systems has been providing the connection to the telematics infrastructure for care facilities since this summer. The majority of care facilities are expected to be connected to the TI by 2024.
For more information, visit: www.arvato-systems.de/…
About FINSOZ e. V.:
Founded in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, in 2010, non-profit association FINSOZ e.V. is a platform for shaping the digital transformation in the social economy and social administration. It represents the interests of social organizations of different institutions, public administrations, IT providers, scientists, and consultants. FINSOZ initiates cross-sector discussions about traditional IT and new digital technologies in order to share knowledge. It stimulates digital innovation for organizations in the social economy. The FINSOZ Academy, which opened in 2012, promotes the digital and IT skills of specialists and management staff, digital officers, and IT managers.
Global IT specialist Arvato Systems supports major companies in Digital Transformation. About 3,000 staff in over 25 locations stand for in-depth technology expertise, industry knowledge, and focus on customer requirements. Working as a team, we develop innovative IT solutions, transition our clients into the Cloud, integrate digital processes, and take on IT systems operation and support. As a part of the Bertelsmann-owned Arvato network, we have the unique capability to work across the entire value chain. Our business relationships are personal; we work with our clients as partners so that together we can achieve long-term success. www.arvato-systems.com
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