BauerCAT delivers convenient specification and design tool for geared motors
BauerCAT offers users the chance to view a perfect representation of their specified geared motor, either live on Bauer’s website or offline via download. Built in a modular manner, the configurator can display a customised unit to user specification, combining all options selected on the intuitive interface. Similar to a car configurator, BauerCAT allows users to see various configurations first hand – exactly as they would appear in reality – while offering multiple fields of view. However, this is no ordinary configurator.
Once happy with the configuration of a geared motor, users can output CAD files or documentation to suit any design or specification requirement. For example, generated models can be output as STEP, SAT or IGES files for seamless integration with end-users’ CAD programmes. This data can also be exported natively from the locally installed version, offering a non-vendor specific design integration route.
2D images incorporating all relevant dimensions can also be produced on-the-fly. Technically accurate and generated automatically, key information such as height, width, length and thickness of the shaft is displayed. 3D images can also be originated, so users receive greater versatility in showcasing their optimum motor specification.
Furthermore, in the offline version, users can export all the listed features above as a single PDF specification document. Combining visualisations in 2D and 3D, dimensions and specifications – this PDF document can be produced automatically to deliver a compendium of all vital information on a specified gearbox – a real advantage during design or procurement.
Bauer, a leading brand of Altra Industrial Motion Corp., offers a range of geared motors that delivers a high level of parts interchangeability, which cannot be accurately illustrated via a traditional catalogue. However, BauerCAT offers specifiers the chance to view their intended motor unit quickly and accurately, ensuring that any motor can be incorporated seamlessly into existing designs or systems, with instant accessibility to all the specifications that matter.
Configure your drive now! Visit www.BauerCAT.com
Bauer Gear Motor has been a provider of solutions within geared motors for more than three quarters of a century. We provide products of the highest quality with focus on flexible solutions, reliability and customer understanding. Bauer Gear Motor has a strong foothold especially within food & beverage, alternative energies, waste water, steel industry and material handling.
Bauer Gear Motor has production facilities in Germany and Slovakia, together with sales offices and assembly facilities around the world.
Bauer Gear Motor GmbH
Eberhard Bauer Straße 37
73734 Esslingen
Telefon: +49 (711) 3518-0
Telefax: +49 (711) 3518-381
Marketing Manager
Telefon: +49 (711) 3518-276
E-Mail: info@bauergears.com