For those in the know and pleasure-seekers. Or simply for all those who like to give away useful things – if they look good.
For those in the know and pleasure-seekers. Or simply for all those who like to give away useful things – if they look good. Therefore WINE TASTING brings along everything: A waiter’s knife with corkscrew, knife and cap lifter. The closure made of acrylic and silicone with the sophisticated vacuum pump fits various types bottles. Moreover, a design that elegantly balances technology and aesthetics. In high-quality cardboard box with slipcase.
Wine Set comprising waiter’s knife and vacuum bottle seal, fold-out corkscrew with knife and bottle opener, screw non-stick coated, silicone seal fits various bottle sizes, food safe, ABS / silicone / stainless steel, matt, Black
- This set made up of a waiter’s knife and vacuum wine-bottle stopper was inspired by sommeliers.
- A waiter’s knife with corkscrew, knife and cap opener.
- The stopper is suitable for various bottle types, wine bottles, champagne, sparkling wine – with a sophisticated vacuum pump for wine.
- An innovative gift – combining functionality with design.
What does one give to the modern man today? We constantly have more than 500 selected products in our range. From big to small, technology to design, absolutely trendy to wonderfully sentimental. High-quality, charming and innovative accessories for the modern man, at work or at home. And, not forgetting for today’s woman.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Nisterfeld 11
57629 Müschenbach
Telefon: +49 (2662) 9511-0
Telefax: +49 (2662) 9511-92
Lena Strobel
Telefon: +49 (2662) 9511106
E-Mail: l.strobel@troika.de
Telefon: +49 (2662) 9511106
E-Mail: l.strobel@troika.de
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