FSK organises International Specialist Conference Foamed Plastics and Polyurethanes on 26 + 27 January 2022 in Dortmund
With a convincing program and exciting topics of the industry, the professional association will start the new year on 26 and 27 January 2022 in Dortmund with the 21st International Specialist Conference. For the first time, the FSK conference will not take place in autumn 2021 as usual, but in January 2022. This conference will also be dedicated to innovations, lectures, contacts and trends: the professional audience will be offered a platform for knowledge exchange, networking and socialising at the Hotel Radisson Blue Dortmund.
In the two-day conference programme, expert lectures focusing on sustainability and the circular economy, artificial intelligence (AI) and flame protection have been announced. “These are the topics that drive our industry,” explains FSK Managing Director Klaus Junginger. “Our materials stand for an innovative industry. Future-oriented thinking, developments and technologies are topics that are in focus for our members. In addition, we will present our specially developed training platform at the conference. The EU obligation to train all users and distributors of diisocyanates in the safe handling of these by August 2023 is an enormous challenge for the industry and an important mandate these days. We can rise to the challenge thanks to our learning platform and trainers.”
Following the general meeting, which will take place on 26 January in the morning, FSK chairman Albrecht Manderscheid, Cannon Deutschland GmbH will open the series of lectures on the first day. The keynote speaker will be Dr Ralf Bartels of the Mining, Chemical and Energy Industrial Union (IG BCE), who will talk about the challenges of an energy-intensive industry. Pawel Szymutko and Dan Gavriliu from JIFFY PACKAGING SP. Z O.O. will shed light on the topics of sustainability and circular economy for polyethylene (PE); Marcel Müller from Dow Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH & Co. OHG, will focus on the topic in connection with polyurethane (PUR). In addition, on the first day of the conference there will be a panel discussion on the topic of “Circular economy – re-sorted?”, in which Dr. Thomas Hillebrand from PDR Recycling GmbH + Co KG, Marcel Möller from Dow Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH & Co. OHG, Dr. Thomas Probst from the Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung e.V. (German Federal Association for Secondary Raw Materials and Waste Disposal). (bvse) and Marco Werth from RAMPF Eco Solutions GmbH & Co. KG will take part. The first day of the conference will conclude with the award ceremony for the FSK Innovation Award 2022. The FSK is still accepting applications until 31.10.2021. Further information on the FSK Innovation Award is available online.
The second day of the conference will be opened by the FSC specialist group spokesman Jörg Arntzen, Dow Deutschland Anlagengesellschaft mbH. Michael Stöhr, Albrecht Bäumer GmbH & Co. KG, will speak in the first cluster on data use in production and David Haferkorn, Symate GmbH, on data pooling and analysis. In the second block, Tom Berckmans from Cardolite Specialty Chemicals Europe N.V. will talk about CNSL-based polyols. An English lecture on graphite as a flame retardant will be given by Stefano Andreolli of Cannon Afros S.p.A. This will be followed by a presentation on safe building envelopes by Rüdiger A. Dederichs of FM Approvals.
The event will be rounded off by a factory tour at ATLAS Schuhfabrik GmbH & Co.KG in Dortmund, which will open its doors to conference participants on this day and provide insights into the organisation, logistics and production.
To kick off the conference, a get-together will be held the evening before at Hövels Hausbrauerei to facilitate networking and intensive exchange. The subsequent evening event at the Brauturm location in the Dortmunder U will round off the day.
The event programme of the International FSK Conference Foam Plastics and Polyurethanes 2022 is now available for download on the homepage of the trade association. Registration is possible online, by email: fsk@fsk-vsv.de and by post with the registration form.
Important note: The International FSK Conference 2022 will take place under consideration of the 3G rule. We reserve the right to make changes due to possible official instructions.
A sample copy is requested
For further information, please visit www.fsk-vsv.de or call 0711 993 7510.
Erfolgreiche Branchen brauchen starke Fachorganisationen als Plattform für Austausch und Kontakte sowie zur Interessenvertretung. Der Fachverband Schaumkunststoffe und Polyurethane e.V. (FSK) ist ein Verband der kunststoffverarbeitenden Industrie, der ein Gesamtvolumen der Industrie rund um Polyurethane und Schaumkunststoffe von rund 9 Mrd. Euro repräsentiert. Er gehört zu den wichtigsten Fachverbänden seiner Branche in Europa und ist nach seiner 50-jährigen Tradition der größte nationale Verband.
Zu den Mitgliedern des FSK aus über 10 Ländern gehören Rohstoffunternehmen, Maschinenhersteller, Systemhäuser/Formulierer und vor allem verarbeitende Unternehmen aus den Werkstoffbereichen Polyurethan, Polypropylen, Polyethylen, Kautschukschäume, Melaminharzschaum, PVC-Schaum usw.
Fachverband Schaumkunststoffe und Polyurethane e.V.
Stammheimer Str. 35
70435 Stuttgart
Telefon: +49 (711) 9937510
Telefon: +49 (711) 993-7510
E-Mail: j.schueler@fsk-vsv.de