Heating foils and cartridge heater with IP-classif¬ication
Especially in the food industry, heating cartridges and foils are used in context with clean environments, and the very strict hygiene guidelines in that industry. Therefore, it is mandatory to keep the machines clean with a high-pressure cleaner or similar cleaning solutions, which puts electrical equipment, like heating foils at risk. Silicone heating foils from Telemeter Electronic differentiate from the norm by an additional process step during production, which guarantees them to be waterproof. A special silicone adhesive is applied to the connection area and edges to meet the IP65 standard. Furthermore, an Epoxy/PDA composition is used to seal the connections. This composition is rated to withstand high temperatures and meets the IP67 classification, which ensures that the cartridge heaters can be temporarily submerged in water. Another advantage is that the leads are insulated with PFA. Due to the properties of PFA, dirt will not stick to the jacket and can be easily cleaned off.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Telemeter Europe
Joseph-Gänsler-Straße 10
86609 Donauwörth
Telefon: +49 (906) 70693-0
Telefax: +49 (906) 70693-50
Edna Seiler
Telefon: 004990670693-60
E-Mail: eseiler@telemeter.de
Telefon: 004990670693-60
E-Mail: eseiler@telemeter.de
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