
IT outsourcing specialist HWS Informationssysteme GmbH now ISO:27001 certified

HWS Gruppe, a medium-sized provider of IT services and software development, has introduced an Information Security Management System (ISMS) per the international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2013. Certification by an external assessor confirms the group’s high standards in both external and internal data processing. And underlines the reliability as a service provider in the field of IT infrastructure, cloud solutions, and software development.

Integrity in data processing forms the foundation of every business relationship

For the established IT service provider HWS, certification to ISO:27001 represents the logical step for its continued strong positioning in the market. IT security and high data processing requirements form the basis for the services offered. The internationally recognized certification now proves this claim and positions HWS as a reliable partner for regional and multinational customers. It also confirms the expertise of HWS in the development of its own IT security solution “DoubleClue” in the field of identity protection.

The prerequisite for certification is the introduction and establishment of an ISMS. This comprises various positions, processes, documents, and technologies that help to centrally manage, monitor, and continuously optimize information security measures.

“The official introduction of an information security management system is an important milestone in our company history,” says Bernd Scheurer, founder, and CEO of the corporate group. “With the certification, we send an important signal to our customers, partners, and service providers: we—HWS Gruppe—demonstrate high integrity and responsibility in data processing and project support. I am immensely proud of our team: we completed the certification in just a few months and without any error points.”

Ongoing employee training and continuing education ensure long-term implementation of strategy

The successful completion of the external audit lays the foundation for a strong future. Utilizing ongoing employee training, the group ensures knowledge and awareness of the importance of information security in everyday business.

HWS is continuously committed to information security and data protection at all levels. The internationally recognized ISO:27001 certification guarantees, that the relevant measures are addressed, implemented and properly enforced in all areas of the organization.

Über die HWS Informationssysteme GmbH

HWS Gruppe offers its customers comprehensive IT services, software development, and consulting, especially in the areas of IT infrastructure, cloud operations, and identity protection. More than 150 employees from Neustadt an der Aisch (Middle Franconia) and the nearshore delivery center in Malta support both DAX corporations and upper mid-sized companies in holistic IT projects. Thanks to a progressive and demanding service approach, we have been convincing customers as a reliable and close partner for more than 20 years.

Our comprehensive IT security solution "DoubleClue" provides companies worldwide with secure identity and access management as well as a strong multifactor authentication solution.

Learn more about us and our services and software products at &

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

HWS Informationssysteme GmbH
Robert Bosch Straße 1a
91413 Neustadt a. d. Aisch
Telefon: +49 (9161) 6239 200
Telefax: +49 (9161) 6239 222

Michaela Senft
Marketing & Communication Manager
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