Klafs under new leadership
After 30 years as managing director of Klafs, Stefan Schöllhammer retired on September 30. Phillip Rock, who has thus far been responsible for the technical side in the company as managing director, will also take over part of his work in the areas of finance and HR. A new managing director, Gernot Mang, was brought on board for the areas of marketing, sales and design. Gernot Mang has international experience and has already been able to demonstrate his abilities in various companies. His professional roots lie in marketing and sales, and he also offers the premium product experience that Klafs requires.
Stefan Schöllhammer will remain involved with the company as an advisory board member and shareholder. He is very optimistic that the Klafs Group, together with the majority shareholder Egeria, has great prospects and will further expand its outstanding position: “Employees of the Klafs group have always made the difference and are a great strength for us. My move to the Klafs advisory board is therefore done with a very good feeling and with great confidence in the future of our company”.
Stefan Schöllhammer congratulates Phillip Rock and Gernot Mang on their expanded and new responsibilities, respectively, and also looks forward to seeing how they will lead Klafs together in the coming years: “Phillip Rock has gained experience in all business areas as my long-standing fellow managing director while also demonstrating his personal, professional and, above all, strategic qualities. Gernot Mang complements him here with his broad, international range of experience. A focus on the most important trends within the wellness market and on what our customers expect from us here will be their main task. I am certain that they will be very successful in this“.
The mission of KLAFS is to allow people to experience fascinating moments of relaxation of the highest quality and to promote their health in the process. KLAFS wellness and spa facilities can be found in private households as well as in hotels, fitness studios, leisure time landscapes and on cruise ships.
KLAFS has been creating such spaces of relaxation for the body and soul since 1928. And the company in Schwäbisch Hall can repeatedly surprise the market with pioneering innovations – just like with the space-saving sauna KLAFS S1 (www.klafs-S1.com), which converts from the size of a wall cabinet into a fully-functioning sauna in just 20 seconds at the push of a button. KLAFS GmbH & Co. KG used this power of innovation to move from a once small family-owned and operated company to become a global industry leader. Today, 730 employees work on meeting customers‘ increasing standards – and exceeding them. From small private sauna dreams to luxurious spas. Around the world with expert advice from carefully trained specialist advisers and an on-site service by experienced service teams.
Klafs GmbH & Co. KG
Erich-Klafs-Straße 1-3
74523 Schwäbisch Hall
Telefon: +49 (791) 501-0
Telefax: +49 (791) 501-248
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Fax: +49 (791) 501444
E-Mail: franziska.buerkle@klafs.de