
USU launches unique Open-Source Project for Multi-chatbot Architecture

Strong on their own. Unbeatable together. This motto captures the idea of networked chatbots, working together to solve complex tasks. With the USU Bot Universe, the leading solution provider for IT and customer service offers a unique chatbot ecosystem, creating new application areas for bots. Since a single chatbot can only cover limited areas, the intelligent and flexible combination of dialog systems as a network of expert chatbots will enable them to serve customers more efficiently and accurately.

Multiple chatbots as an open-source project
USU Bot Universe is a free and open-source bot communication protocol provided on the basis of JSON for any type of chatbot. As part of the open source project, USU assumes an administrative role and provides the universal communication protocol and exchange platforms for the USU Bot Universe community free of charge. In return, the community can assist in developing the project in new directions. The development of further integrations will enable the use of a variety of chatbots based on different technologies.

Chatbots as team with different roles and expertise
USU’s architecture concept divides chatbots into two roles: expert bots and a lead bot. The expert bots are registered in the network and can provide information on narrowly defined topics. The other role, the lead bot, acts as a concierge, first communicating with the user and connecting them with the appropriate expert bot. The lead bot acts as a moderator and single face to the customer, while the expert bot is responsible for actually answering the specific questions. These modular bots allow for easy maintenance and servicing by editors. If a new topic is added, another bot can quickly be created and added to the network.

Chatbot team for unique customer experience
As part of the ARBAY joint project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, USU is currently developing an intelligent dialog engine that actively supports end users in the role of a virtual advisor when advising and configuring different areas or products. The combination of several chatbots offers prospective customers of a furniture manufacturer, for example, a better experience with more accurate and relevant advice. For example, one bot provides advice on choosing the perfect couch, while another makes appointments with a consultant or forwards data to an email or ticketing system. The chatbots form an interface between the speech input of the prospective customer, the virtual, spatial representation of the piece of furniture through integrated VR glasses and the sales platform.

Über die USU Software AG

As a leading provider of software and services for IT and customer service management, USU enables companies to master the demands of today’s digital world. Global organizations use our solutions to cut costs, become more agile and reduce risks – with smarter services, simpler workflows and better collaboration. With more than 40 years of experience and locations worldwide, the USU team brings customers into the future.

In addition to USU GmbH, which was founded in 1977, the subsidiaries USU Technologies GmbH, USU Solutions GmbH, USU Solutions Inc. and USU SAS also belong to USU Software AG (ISIN DE 000A0BVU28), which is listed in the Prime Standard of the German Stock Exchange.

Further information:

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

USU Software AG
Spitalhof 1
71696 Möglingen
Telefon: +49 (7141) 4867-0
Telefax: +49 (7141) 4867-200

Dr. Thomas Gerick
Corporate Communications
Telefon: +49 (7141) 4867-440
Fax: +49 (7141) 4867-909
Falk Sorge
Investor Relations
Telefon: +49 (7141) 4867-351
Fax: +49 (7141) 4867-108
Nadine Mörz
phronesis PR GmbH
Telefon: +49 (821) 444800
Fax: +49 (821) 4448022
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