Announcing Naveum As The First Snapt Distributor
“Snapt has been growing significantly over the last years and we are extremely excited to be working with Naveum to build out our DACH presence. We have had a long-standing relationship with Naveum and share a strong vision to deliver best-in-class solutions assisting our customers in their digital transformation journeys.” said Doug Cherry, CEO, Snapt.
“We are very pleased to announce our new distribution partnership with Snapt, as we are seeing great customer response in the DACH region to Snapt’s visionary solutions for application security, visibility and control in traditional, hybrid as well as cloud-native environments. As a distributor and hosting partner, we offer our customers the Snapt Nova platform from our highly secure data centers in Switzerland, which comply with GDPR and EU data protection laws.” said Tom Lüssi-Pataki, CEO, VMware vExpert 2014-2021, Naveum.
The Snapt Partner Program provides lucrative growth opportunities for organizations seeking to innovate by offering comprehensive solutions for today’s application delivery challenges. The program ensures top performance and profitability, with a range of membership levels and top-tier business development offerings.
The Partner Program has a simple tier structure that allows partners to scale revenue and margins in line with market penetration. Each tier comes with certain benefits, including deal registration, a range of marketing and sales support, training, Snapt marketing exclusives, as well as access to pre-sales and post-sales support.
Snapt is eager to support and enable partners with a shared vision. Our technology, pricing and partner structure, combined with recurring revenue and service model, allows partners to accelerate their growth and revenue prospects.
About Snapt
Snapt provides solutions for application security, visibility, and control, for edge-to-origin in traditional, hybrid and cloud-native environments. Snapt ensures that business-critical applications, web services, and APIs are always on, always fast and always secure. Snapt is a venture-funded, privately held company based in San Jose, CA.
Naveum AG ist ein führender Schweizer Cloud-Anbieter, der Services für IT-Dienstleister, Reseller und Softwarehersteller anbietet. Wir legen Wert auf Sicherheit, Transparenz und Datenschutz und sorgen für eine 100-prozentige Datenhaltung in den modernen Rechenzentren der Schweiz. Mit Services wie Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) und leistungsstarken, dedizierten Private Clouds für Endkunden bietet Naveum flexible und skalierbare Lösungen. Zahlreiche Unternehmen, vom Start-up bis zum Grosskonzern, vertrauen auf unsere Expertise, innovative Technologien und erstklassigen Support.
Naveum AG
Webereistrasse 61
CH8134 Adliswil
Telefon: +41 (58) 25514-14