Autodesk audit – Beware of ScanWin download and execution – AutoCAD audit
If you are already considering to download and run ScanWin in the Autodesk audit, be careful. You are actually already a bit too far along in the process. First, some other issues should be addressed.
In addition to effective confidentiality provisions, it is important to clarify in a legally secure manner at the outset:
- Which license agreement was concluded between the parties?
- Is the use of this tool mandatory?
- Or is it only optional?
Only when legal certainty has been created further steps may be considered. If a customer feels obligated to do so or decides voluntarily to start the ScanWin download and then run the application, other specific questions should be clarified beforehand.
These are, for example:
- What data will be read?
- Is it ensured that only the data required for the audit is read out?
- Are GDPR requirements adhered to in the process?
- Is the protection of secrets guaranteed?
- According to which industry standards was the tool programmed?
- On which data was it tested?
- Who assumes liability in the event of damage?
- Is the tool up to date?
- Is data transferred from the tool?
- …
"It can be seen in most software audits that affected companies move far too quickly and take the third step before the first," said Christian Grave, managing director of ProLicense and an expert in software audits. "It always gets dangerous when companies confuse a compliance audit with a technical exercise. At its core, it’s about the interpretation of contractual clauses. So it’s more of a legal-commercial issue," said Markus Oberg, chairman of the Lighthouse Alliance, the customer alliance against software audits.
The Autodesk audit experts at ProLicense safeguard customers` rights in the Autodesk license audit. "It is clear to us that only after a diligent contract review, the conclusion of a confidentiality agreement and an audit implementation agreement the audit can even only begin. This is the case with all software audits – Autodesk is no exception," says Grave.
It is important that affected companies first professionally address the required steps in an audit before downloading and running Scanwin. The experts at ProLicense provide support in this regard. They have already accompanied many Autodesk audits and share their knowledge and experience with each new client. Companies can arrange a free initial consultation via the contact page for Autodesk audits:
Here you can find an interesting YouTube playlist about autodesk audit:
Autodesk audit – Autodesk license audit – Autodesk compliance
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Since 2009, ProLicense has been advising Oracle and Autodesk customers on handling compliance. We have also been showing companies ways to significantly reduce the cost of their software usage rights. Especially in the mentioned Oracle and Autodesk license audits ProLicense has accumulated a wealth of expertise that is
The two founders of ProLicense (lawyer Sören Reimers and Christian Grave) have each worked for more than eight years in various positions in Oracle and have in-depth knowledge of all licensing matters concerning Oracle software and services. ProLicense is a completely independent consulting company, does not receive any remuneration from any software-vendor. The only remuneration of ProLicense is paid by the customer. This is a significant differentiator as most players are partners of various vendors and have a focus on commissions.
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