camLine Announces the Launch of Xperidesk 5.6
In addition, various new functions got integrated into the software, such as new data formats for mask sets, the ability to split substrates during production and process them differently, configurable counters for new entities, and the maintenance of the milestone and priority configuration and usage in entities. Also, the selection of the production machine, in the case of several possible ones, has been significantly simplified, making the user’s work easier and providing more overview and flexibility. Furthermore, the web-based client received various functional enhancements. The client now assigns the next pending task to the machine personnel based on the priority and waiting time of the substrates.
If you have any questions or would like a more detailed introduction to these improvements, please contact info@camline.com.
Since 2021, camLine has been part of the Elisa group and provides and markets its own software solutions to enhance manufacturing excellence in high-tech manufacturing industries. For high-volume productions, the industrial automation systems are preferably based on MES modules of the LineWorks Suite. Manufacturers have also implemented the entire software suite as their Manufacturing Execution System (MES).
For manufacturers of discrete medical products and medical devices, camLine offers all-in-one solutions that are built on InFrame Synapse software. Numerous installations are present in further industries, e.g. semiconductors, electronics, or solar. The general approach addresses discrete, continuous, and mixed forms of manufacturing. These industry-specific deployments focus on advanced strategies to improve Quality Assurance (QA) and process integrity, production logistics, and efficiency (OEE) but also enabling Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS).
Technological innovation efficiency is supported by XperiDesk software that aims at accelerating technology development and provides pioneering cooperation opportunities of R&D with the production.
Cornerstone is an engineering analytics application to explore and analyze data as well as plan and execute Design of Experiments (DoE).
camLine as a solution partner has been offering its software and services, globally for more than 30 years. For more information, please visit www.camline.com.
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85238 Petershausen
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Telefon: +49 (8137) 935-250
E-Mail: gerald.hemetsberger@camline.com