Fahrzeugbau / Automotive

Handicraft stands for craftsmanship

This is absolutely true at SCHULER GmbH in Ebhausen. With over 70 employees from at least 9 trades, special vehicles for motor sports and industry are designed and built here. From the chassis to the interior in the in-house joinery and furniture manufacture.Even the electronics, electrics, hydraulics, pneumatics and outer skin come from one and the same place.Even the electronics, electrics, hydraulics, pneumatics and outer skin come from one and the same location. There is no standard here and certainly no mass-produced elements. Every part is made individually for the customer. This makes the SCHULER GmbH operation something special and can hardly be surpassed in the quality and sophistication of transport solutions. This also speaks for the decades of customer loyalty and the growing fan base, especially in motor sports. Even today, craftsmanship still pays off.

More information about the car manufacturer from the northern Black Forest can be found at: www.schuler-trucks.com

Über die Schuler Fahrzeugbau GmbH

SCHULER Fahrzeugbau GmbH has been planning, designing and realizing targeted individual and technically innovative solutions in the special vehicle construction segment for over 27 years. Schuler Fahrzeugbau produces individual mobile architecture of the highest quality. These highest demands on mobile architecture are satisfied with extraordinary skills in the craft. SCHULER TRUCKS offers your customers outstanding quality solutions for a wide variety of mobile tasks.

Having a unique reputation in motorsport, SCHULER TRUCKS has been a reliable and supportive partner in the areas of mobile showrooms, motorhomes, hospitality, promotion trailer and extraordinary special projects since many years.

Made in Germany is lived by all employees. The company with 70 employees produces the unique items carefully by hand at two locations in the northern Black Forest and delivers to customers worldwide.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Schuler Fahrzeugbau GmbH
Uferstraße 21
72224 Ebhausen
Telefon: +49 (7458) 98980
Telefax: +49 (7458) 989819

Ulrike Ketterer
Sales & Marketing
Telefon: +49 (7458) 989848
E-Mail: ulrike.ketterer@schuler-trucks.com
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