Hate or love gold
Money can be multiplied and printed at will, gold cannot. With gold, governments cannot intervene in the redistribution of wealth. India may serve as an example. Because here the government is currently trying to control gold imports through higher import taxes and rules. As a result, gold smuggling into India has increased enormously. Central banks own gold, but the reasons are the same that guide ordinary citizens. Gold cannot be controlled by other governments.
Money can easily be taxed by governments, but gold is not so simple. The fact that gold has increased in value against all currencies since there is no longer a gold standard should please investors who back gold. Central banks don’t like it when people find an alternative to fiat currencies, because central banks like money. Now, if people turn away from fiat money and bet on gold, it undermines the power of central banks. When the gold standard was in place, the US government’s ability to issue debt was limited. Today, the Fed can buy government bonds without owning gold in return. So, printing money without end is no longer a problem for central banks. But the consequences for private wealth are hitting citizens. The value of fiat money is dwindling, with no way to stop it. To counteract this dilemma, investments in gold or gold shares are recommended. Here Caledonia Mining or CanaGold could be considered.
Caledonia Mining – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6PFpRjvfTo – is a successful gold producer thanks to its Blanket mine in Zimbabwe.
CanaGold – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0q2eIuYKI4 – is working on the New Polaris gold mine in British Columbia; the latest drill results have yielded up to 14 grams of gold per ton of rock.
Current corporate information and press releases from Caledonia Mining (- https://www.resource-capital.ch/en/companies/caledonia-mining-corp/ -).
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