Industrial-grade DDR5 memory
Innodisk’s new DDR5 memory products provide technology that has four times the capacity and twice the speed of its DDR4 predecessor. Application areas for the new memories are in 5G, deep learning, AI, edge-computing, smart medical, supercomputing and mission-critical applications. The JESD79-5 DDR5 SDRAM specification provides for a maximum capacity of up to 128GB DIMM and a maximum transfer speed of up to 6400MT/s. The modules are currently available in 16 GB and 32 GB capacities at 4800MT/s and comply with all relevant JEDEC standards. The dual subchannel DIMM provides two independent 32-bit data channels, doubling the effective bandwidth. The power management IC (PMIC) has been moved to the DIMM. This reduces redundant power supply circuitry on the motherboard for unused DIMM slots in previous generations. The operating temperature range extends from 0°C to +85°C. The new Intel® Alder Lake processors support both DDR4 and DDR5. It is therefore up to the end users to decide which variant they choose.
Further information at www.innodisk.com
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Innodisk Europe B.V.
Pisanostraat 57
NL5623CB Eindhoven
Telefon: +49 (152) 5100 6027
Edgar Huber
Telefon: +49 (7083) 933745
E-Mail: edgar.huber@marcom360.de
Telefon: +49 (7083) 933745
E-Mail: edgar.huber@marcom360.de
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