Lieber.Group: A look into the future at EXPO Dubai
EXPO in Dubai poses the question of future visions, concepts and technologies about living together in an increasingly networked world ("Connecting Minds, Creating the Future"). The World Expo was postponed by 1 year due to the Corona pandemic and takes place in Dubai from 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022. It is the first Expo in an Arab country. Thematically as well as architecturally, it is divided into three sub-themes: Opportunity, Mobility and Sustainability. Austria has chosen the theme of Opportunity.
The Austrian pavilion is themed "Austria makes sense". Starting with the smart, sustainable architecture to the innovative projects and products in the iLab, which showcase Austria’s innovative strength and economic competence. The iLab knowledge platform inside the pavilion presents concrete opportunities and perspectives with regard to digitalisation based on 52 selected innovations.
ThreatGet: Cyber Security made in Austria
At EXPO Dubai, the Lieber.Group promotes ThreatGet, the cyber security management solution developed jointly with AIT. Peter Lieber, founder and owner of the Lieber.Group, says: "We are very proud to be able to represent Austria in Dubai as a high-tech country in the software sector with our award-winning cyber security management solution ThreatGet. As we can see almost daily in the media, cyber security is of immense importance today, as digitalisation is advancing rapidly worldwide. With ThreatGet, we offer a solution in this context that is used throughout the entire development process of new systems and thus helps to realise "security by design"." Due to its innovative concept, the solution already received the Austrian eAward in the category "Industry 4.0" in 2020.
ThreatGet was developed as a plug-in for the Enterprise Architect modelling tool and guarantees e.g. vehicle manufacturers compliance with the new European Security Directive according to ECE Level (UNECE WP29) on cyber security. Threats and risks are identified and the potential threat is analysed using Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment (TARA). For this purpose, ThreatGet has a threat library based on the list of threats relevant for type approval from the UNECE, literature, threat data and other sources, which is optimised using artificial intelligence. ThreatGet thus enables ongoing cyber security risk analysis throughout the development process to ensure security by design, which is an important prerequisite for the security of today’s highly complex networked systems.
Award for holistic consulting approach around ThreatGet
Lieber.Group was named the winner of this year’s Constantinus Award in the Digitalisation / Internet of Things (IoT) category for its novel consulting approach to the introduction of ThreatGet. The company was commissioned by AIT to develop a holistic method aimed at consulting companies working in the field of security-critical technology architecture.
Helmut Leopold, Head of Center for Digital Safety & Security at AIT: "Thanks to the exemplary cooperation between AIT and the Austrian company Lieber.Group, we can take on an international pioneering role in the global context in the field of digital vehicle safety."
EXPO Duabi, Austria Pavilion
Even before the opening of EXPO Dubai, the Austria Pavilion by querkraft architekten was awarded the 2021 Architecture & Design Prize in the category "Sustainable Architecture". The pavilion, consisting of 38 white cone towers, is intended to offer "an oasis of peace and relaxation in the middle of the Expo". It consists of cones cut into each other, which are clad on the inside with clay plaster. The truncated cones are cut at different heights, resulting in light openings of different sizes and thus creating an impressive spatial experience. The architectural concept is inspired by Arab wind towers, which function as a natural air conditioning system, and combines traditional building techniques and know-how from Austria in a novel way. For example, the pavilion does not require any technical refrigeration and uses up to 70 percent less energy than conventionally air-conditioned buildings in Dubai.
In the exhibition inside the pavilion, visitors will experience Austria with all their senses and with the support of digital technology in very different ways. They will be sent on a journey that is only possible through the creative use of digitalisation and Austrian high-tech solutions.
About AIT
The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology is Austria’s largest non-university research institution. With its eight centres, the AIT sees itself as a highly specialised research and development partner for industry. In the Center for Digital Safety & Security, state-of-the-art information and communication technologies (ICT) and systems are developed to make critical infrastructures secure and reliable in the context of comprehensive and global networking and digitalisation. In the Dependable Systems Engineering (DSE) research area, experts have been investigating the interactions between safety, security and reliability for many years and developing new methods and tools to ensure the holistic safety of systems. The experts play a leading role in the industry standards of tomorrow, e.g. ISO TC 22 (automotive sector), ISO TC 299 (robotics), IEC TC 56 (dependability), IEC TC 62 (medicine), IEC TC 65 (control technology for industrial processes) and AIOTI WG03 (M2M). These many years of experience and expertise are also made available to customers in the form of training and consulting.
About Lieber.Group, Business Unit ThreatGet
Lieber.Group’s ThreatGet business unit specialises in holistic consulting for IT experts in security-critical technology architecture. To this end, we are specialists in the modelling platform Enterprise Architect (Sparx Systems) and ThreatGet. ThreatGet was created by the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) and supports developers in identifying cyber security threats at an early stage and quickly assessing the associated risks. With ThreatGet, consulting companies identify and document the entire system development process for threats, automatically and with an always up-to-date threat catalogue.
As a consultant, you can use ThreatGet to accompany all of your customers‘ system development cycles from the beginning to completion with a methodical procedure model. In this way, you can bridge the gap between IT and business departments for your customers through cyber security modelling. ThreatGet for holistic consulting: Your advantage as a consultant with customers in security-critical environments!
Lieber.Group, Geschäftseinheit ThreatGet
Handelskai 340, Top 5
A1020 Wien
Telefon: +43 (662) 90600-2017
Telefax: +43 (662) 90333-3017
Leitung Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Telefon: +43 (1) 9072627-204
E-Mail: Ruediger.Maier@4biz.at