20 successful years of electronic, digital signatures ‒ StepOver celebrates its milestone birthday
As a rule, small businesses start out with small customers and small projects. At StepOver, things were different from the outset. Some of its first customers included large firms such as the insurance companies Nürnberger Versicherung and Karlsruher Versicherung (today the W&W Group). These were soon joined by other big names ‒ Allianz Insurance, AXA Insurance, the UK’s Department of Work & Pensions, HVB bank, Targobank, Sixt, and many more. StepOver flourished into a successful global company. StepOver solutions encompass the full range of electronic signature devices; e-signatures on a signature pad, smartphone, tablet or PC, online as well as offline, and of course in the cloud too if so wished.
Four quick questions for the founder and CEO of StepOver, Andreas Günther:
Mr Günther, what is the biggest challenge that StepOver has faced over the past 20 years?
Definitely our transformation from a hardware manufacturer to a software and cloud provider, for one thing. StepOver started developing its own software in 2003. By 2011 we had laid the foundation for our cloud solution. For another, you could say that we now have suitable services for our customers in all three areas: hardware, software, and the cloud. This is a big advantage compared to other providers, which only cover individual aspects of the e-signature world. The clients that used to use exclusively stationary signature solutions are now noticing that they are increasingly serving their own clients online. We can offer everything from A to Z under one roof.
Why do companies adopt e-signature solutions?
Cost-saving is an important factor. Printing contracts, signing them by hand, and then scanning them is time-consuming, expensive, and there’s lots of potential for error. More and more, it’s also about offering the customer a fast response i.e. concluding the contract takes just a few minutes, and you can do it from your sofa. You can’t imagine these processes without electronic signatures.
How do you see the future of electronic, digital signatures?
In this market, what lots of people want is for everyone to carry around a qualified e-signature with them everywhere they go (e.g. on their smartphone), meaning you can sign either online or offline. I think it will be another couple of years before we get there. In the meantime, companies need solutions which they can use to reach their customers in a low-threshold way. On site, this could be handwritten e-signatures on a signature pad. Online, you’ve also got certificate-based signatures, if necessary with multi-factor authentication via email address or mobile phone number. Where it’s legally required, for example for credit card contracts, a qualified signature can make sense. Although, for the client this means that they first have to go through an eIDAS-compliant identification process.
What new developments can we look forward to?
In our cloud solution webSignatureOffice, we’ve got a few things cooking next year particularly in the field of qualified e-signatures. In terms of hardware, StepOver will shortly be launching a next-generation signature device. I don’t want to give too much away at this point, but it’s going to set new standards in terms of speed, easy integration, and security. We’re really looking forward to it.
Thank you so much; I look forward to talking to you again next year about new technical developments.
Die StepOver GmbH ist im Bereich der handgeschriebenen elektronischen Signatur derzeit weltweiter Technologie- und europäischer Marktführer. Das Stuttgarter Unternehmen entwickelt und fertigt Unterschriften-Erfassungsgeräte im eigenen Haus und bietet darüber hinaus mit seiner Palette an eigens entwickelter Anwendungssoftware und Programmierschnittstellen alle benötigten Funktionen, um ein beweissicheres System zur handgeschriebenen, biometrischen e-Signatur verwirklichen zu können.
Branchenübergreifend werden jedes Jahr etwa eine Million Unterschriften mit StepOver e-Signatur-Lösungen geleistet und dadurch der Medienbruch zwischen EDV und Papier weitgehend vermieden. Auf diese Weise können enorme Einsparungen erzielt werden. Allein den Papierverbrauch betrachtet, beläuft sich das Sparpotenzial aller sich gegenwärtig im Einsatz befindender StepOver Signaturpads auf rund 650 Tonnen Papier, die Jahr für Jahr NICHT bedruckt werden müssen. Nicht nur im Versicherungs- und Bankenwesen gilt die StepOver mit ihren technisch ausgefeilten Lösungen zur handgeschriebenen e-Signatur derzeit als Standard auf dem Weg zum papierlosen Büro.
Außerdem profiliert sich das Unternehmen in Punkto Sicherheit handgeschriebener, biometrischer e-Signaturen als kompetenter Wissensträger in der Branche. Mit transparenter Bereitstellung von Informationen und Offenlegung aller Verfahren berät StepOver Kunden sowie Interessenten umfassend über den Einsatz, die Risiken und die Technologie biometrischer e-Signaturen und leistet damit unermüdlich Pionierarbeit auf diesem für viele Kunden noch neuen Gebiet.
Die StepOver GmbH bietet ihren Kunden höchste Qualität, Sicherheit und Praktikabilität aus einer Hand.
StepOver GmbH
Otto-Hirsch-Brücken 17
70329 Stuttgart
Telefon: +49 (711) 12026930
Telefax: +49 (711) 12026931
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E-Mail: Press@stepover.com
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E-Mail: Press@stepover.com