Donations instead of Christmas cards – Read where we do good!
– Marcus Tullius Cicero –
Another year marked by Corona has almost passed. Despite all the adversities and challenges that the pandemic still confronts us with at the end of 2021, we can still be content. As the year draws to a close, we are taking it easy and looking forward to a Christmas with our loved ones. Unfortunately, many of our fellow man are not granted these precious privileges. Families have been torn apart by wars and flight, people experience hunger and hardship or mourn the loss of loved ones.
In order to give something back from our "wealth of satisfaction", we are supporting the following organisations and projects with this year’s fundraising campaign "Donations instead of Christmas cards":
UNICEF is the United Nations Children’s Fund that works for the realisation of children’s rights for every child, regardless of skin colour, religion or origin. In this context, we have paid special attention to the project "Lifesaving Winter Aid for Children in Afghanistan", because in winter the living conditions for children in Afghanistan are even more merciless than they already are: In many rural areas, families are cut off from the outside world by snow. The children urgently need warm clothing, blankets and weatherproof shelters to survive the winter.
Sea-Watch e. V.
The non-profit initiative is dedicated to the civilian rescue of refugees at Europe’s maritime borders. Sea-Watch’s goal is to create legal and safe escape routes in order to minimise the danger at sea.
Hand in Hand for Northern Germany
A benefit campaign of the Norddeutscher Rundfunk (North German Broadcasting) dedicated to the children who are particularly suffering from the Corona pandemic and its consequences. The partner of this year’s benefit campaign is the German Child Protection Association in the North.
In addition to humanitarian support, we are also donating to the following two nature conservation organisations, because the issue of environmental and climate protection concerns us all and is more urgent than ever:
Deutsche Umwelthilfe e. V.
The association advocates sustainable lifestyles and economic forms that respect ecological stress limits. At the same time, Deutsche Umwelthilfe stands up for the preservation of biological diversity and the protection of natural resources as well as for climate protection.
One Earth – One Ocean e. V.
The organisation fights for environmental protection, especially water and coastal protection. It has developed a concept to free waters worldwide from plastic waste, oil and pollutants. With the concept of "Maritime Waste Collection", plastic waste is collected by special waste collection ships and then recycled or converted back into oil.
The entire signotec GmbH team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2022!
signotec GmbH is the leading manufacturer of hardware and software for signing electronic documents. Since its foundation in 2000, signotec has developed into a global technology leader, trusted by numerous and well-known references from a wide range of sectors. The portfolio of signotec GmbH includes different signature pads as well as comprehensive software solutions for stationary and mobile signing including remote signatures. The specialty: All products convince through their unrivalled quality, manufactured in Germany. In addition, they feature unique and patented security mechanisms that ensure the protection of biometric data and document integrity.
The hardware and software components are perfectly aligned and guarantee a unique, data-protected interaction. Signing digitally, authenticating people or creating legally binding documents – all this becomes even easier and more secure with the signature solutions from signotec. The signature occurs directly in the electronic document, so that time-consuming and cost-intensive media breaks between digital and analogue are prevented. The electronic documents are protected with the digital signature, are eIDAS-compliant and their authenticity can be verified effortlessly.
signotec GmbH
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