edacentrum presents EDA Achievement Award 2021 to Dr.-Ing. Raik Brinkmann of OneSpin Solutions GmbH
The EDA Achievement Award is presented for special research and development achievements in the field of EDA (Electronic Design Automation and "Electronics, Design and Applications"). It is intended to highlight and reward achievements that have been made in projects of the German government’s framework program for microelectronics research or in comparable R&D programs, including international ones.
The prizes were awarded for work by individuals or teams that made a particular contribution to achieving the goals of the above-mentioned programs. Particular consideration was given to contributions that have brought about a measurable and thus demonstrable improvement or acceleration of the design process and thus an industrial benefit.
Note: A list of relevant Siemens trademarks can be found here.
The edacentrum is the network for electronics, design and applications in business and science. As an independent authority, the edacentrum designs research & development for a consistent design methodology along the entire value chain. In this role, the edacentrum is a recognized innovation accelerator for the microelectronics industry and its user industries.
The edacentrum initiates, coordinates and accompanies industry-led, publicly funded R&D projects in the field of EDA, both in the classical sense of "Electronic Design Automation" and in the sense of "Electronics, Design and Applications" and offers a comprehensive range of services such as project management for these R&D projects. Furthermore, it organizes the bundling of existing EDA competence at German research institutions within the framework of EDA cluster research projects and offers innovative technical solutions for exchange and cross-company cooperation.
The edacentrum bundles the interests of industry and science with regard to new challenges in the field of designing microelectronic components and systems as well as their applications. To this end, it coordinates industry-specific working groups, organizes its own specialist conferences and operates platforms for target group-specific services and public relations.
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