epay and the HTA partner to launch for the first time a digital version of HTA’s National Garden Gift Card
Currently, the HTA’s National Digital Gift Card can only be redeemed in-store. Opportunities for digital redemption online will be a possibility too for their consumers later this year. Transitioning from paper vouchers and a physical card to a Digital Gift Card helps to make both the receiving and redemption of cards more convenient for consumers. To support the launch of their latest digital form of the National Garden Gift Card across the UK. epay have integrated over 900 HTA outlets, 18 EPOS integrations and 800 new terminals. This integration is important as it offers the HTA the extra support they need to continue offering their existing Gift Card digitally to consumers seamlessly.
Richard Robertson, Managing Director epay UK, Ireland & Nordics, said: “We are thrilled to be collaborating on this truly exciting partnership with the HTA. This innovation enables the National Garden Gift Card to be digitally distributed across both B2B and B2C channels for the first time since its original launch as a paper voucher in 1962. This is a fantastic first step in HTA’s progression and evolution of their gift card program supported by epay. Put simply, this new partnership allows the HTA to reach new consumers beyond their core membership and is another great step in growing Gift Card ease of access to consumers for their favourite brands. This new Digital Gift Card, for the horticulturist consumer; presents your loved one with a unique, thoughtful and meaningful gift.”
Interested retailers or brands – please contact their existing epay contact or email epay directly at marketing@uk.epayworldwide.com
About epay:
epay is a world-leading full-service payment provider for payment processing and prepaid solutions that processed 2.4 billion transactions in 2020. The company has built up an extensive network of retailers with 739,000 point-of-sale terminals in 62 countries, to connect renowned brands with consumers all around the world. The company offers a portfolio of gift cards (prepaid, closed loop and digital media), business incentives and payment solutions (card acceptance, terminals, e-commerce, mobile and Internet of Payment) for omnichannel commerce, and offers its services thanks to its proprietary cash register integration software. epay is a segment of Euronet Worldwide, Inc. (NASDAQ: EEFT), a Kansas-based company which earned $2.5 billion in revenue in 2020, employing a staff of over 8,000 employees and serving customers in 175 countries.
Über Euronet Worldwide, Inc.:
Euronet Worldwide ist ein führender Anbieter von sicheren elektronischen Finanztransaktionslösungen. Das Unternehmen bietet Zahlungsdienste und Lösungen zur Zahlungsabwicklung für Finanzinstitute, Einzelhandel, Dienstleister und einzelne Verbraucher an. Diese Dienste beinhalten unter anderem umfassende Lösungen für Geldautomaten, Verkaufsstellen (Point-of-Sale, POS) und Karten-Outsourcing sowie Kartenausstellung und Händlerakquisitionsdienste, Softwarelösungen, auf Bargeld oder Online-Überweisungen basierende Consumer-to-Consumer- und Business-to-Business-Geldüberweisungsdienste und den elektronischen Vertrieb von digitalen Medien und Prepaid-Handyminuten.
Euronet verfügt über ein weitläufiges globales Zahlungsnetzwerk mit u. a. 47.474 Geldautomaten und rund 400.000 POS-Terminals für den elektronischen Zahlungsverkehr. Darüber hinaus bietet Euronet ein wachsendes Portfolio von ausgelagerten Debit- und Kreditkartenleistungen, Kartensoftwarelösungen; ein Prepaid-Abwicklungsnetz mit etwa 736.000 POS-Terminals an etwa 345.000 Einzelhandelsstandorten und ein globales Geldüberweisungsnetz mit etwa 475.000 Standorten, die 162 Länder bedienen. Vom Hauptsitz in Leawood, Kansas (USA) und 66 Standorten in aller Welt bedient Euronet Kunden in rund 175 Ländern. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Website des Unternehmens unter www.euronetworldwide.com.
epay (a Euronet Worldwide company)
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