Re-inventing oneself everyday
Since 1993, compamedia awards the TOP 100 seal for special innovation and outstanding innovation successes to small and medium-sized enterprises. The innovation researcher, Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke, is the Scientific Director of the competition since 2002. Around 120 test criteria from five categories such as innovation-friendly senior management, climate of innovation, innovative processes and organisation, outward looking/open innovation and successful innovations were reviewed as part of the scientific selection process. The focus was on reviewing whether innovations are the result of planned action or a product of chance i.e. repeatability of innovation performance and if and how the relevant solutions are established in the market. Owing to the current situation, the entrepreneurial reactions to the Covid-19 pandemic were examined separately.
Every individual is needed – Smart solutions for everyday business
Nowadays, there is an app for every aspect of our life. Information can be communicated; tasks can be completed or data can be exchanged with a simple touch of a button. New network competencies or technologies such as artificial intelligence simulate human intelligence, design processes and replace manual intervention. This approach is also reflected in Würth Industrie Service’s philosophy and culture. “It starts with our employees. We strive to simplify the daily work through efficient processes by implementing smart solutions.”, states Stefan Reuss, Head of IT and Digital Business Development & Innovations at Würth Industrie Service. “Every individual is requested to contribute and reinvent himself/herself every day.”, adds Mr. Reuss. To support this process, there is an in-house Digital Business Development & Innovations department, which provides agile working methods and controls and coordinates innovation projects. Digital learning as well as use of virtual trainings and E-learnings boosts internal knowledge transfer. In this digital world, it is important to set the correct course for the future for the generation of future talents. The Covid-19 pandemic has made it particularly clear that digitalisation of work is in demand more than ever before, and is necessary both economically and politically. Würth Industrie Service therefore considers it indispensable to give attention to valuable resources handling trend-setting megatrends such as Virtual Reality. “We develop innovative solutions for networking with the customers, employees, universities and other business partners interactively by continuously driving the technological evolution of Virtual Reality in-house.”, states Mr. Reuss.
Together towards success – system innovations for and with the customers
Re-inventing oneself every day is the main focus of action for more than 20,000 customers. Digital and connected systems as well as automation technologies have been implemented for many years now. “True to the motto “together towards success!”, we learn from and together with our customer. Keeping this in mind, we develop future-oriented solutions and make the existing systems even better and more efficient.”, clarifies Mr. Reuss. By closely collaborating with research and industry, Würth Industrie Service is aware of the challenges faced by manufacturing companies and creates innovations, which meet the resulting demands of Industry 4.0. The innovation strength of Würth Industrie Service is visible in its supply systems, which engage in high level of automation. One of the innovative new development is about the size of a smartphone: With the battery-operated iPLACER®, the RFID technology is used not only for the ordering process, but also for inventory management. Equipped with a reader and transmitter, this iPLACER® can be placed anywhere – whether in production, at the workplace, in the assembly, logistics or intralogistics. As a result, the customers can benefit from an automated replenishment at any place, and in turn, a complete transparency of their consumptions. Connected systems thus provide the starting point for Industry 4.0 in modern C-Parts management. Owing to increasing customer requirements, high pace of innovation as well as constantly changing competitive and market landscape, Würth Industrie Service increasingly relies on innovation and networks extensively to enhance its capability for innovation, expand its skills and enter new market segments by working together with competent partners.
For more information, have a look at the website of Würth Industrie Service!
Die Würth Industrie Service GmbH & Co. KG ist als eigenständiges Tochterunternehmen innerhalb der Würth-Gruppe für die Belieferung von produzierenden Industriekunden mit modular aufgebauten C-Teile-Management-Lösungen verantwortlich und am Standort Bad Mergentheim mit über 1.700 Mitarbeitern tätig. Das ehemalige Gelände der Deutschordenskaserne bietet dabei ausreichend Raum für weitere Expansion. Seit der Unterzeichnung des Kaufvertrages wurden über 330 Millionen Euro investiert.
Kundenindividuelle C-Teile-Lösungen
Unter der Marke „CPS® – C-Produkt-Service“ bietet die Würth Industrie Service den Kunden individuell zugeschnittene, logistische Beschaffungs- und Dienstleistungsmodule wie scannerunterstützte Regalsysteme, elektronische Bestellsysteme, vollautomatisierte Kanban-Systeme und innovative Technologien wie RFID-Lösungen im Bereich Produktionsmaterial und das Automatensystem ORSY®mat für MRO-Bedarfe. Dabei erfolgt die Belieferung der Kunden direkt an die Fertigungslinie in die Produktion.
Industriespezifisches Sortiment
Ein spezialisiertes Sortiment aus mehr als 1.100.000 Artikeln bildet die Basis für die professionelle industrielle C-Teile-Abwicklung: Neben DIN- und Normteilen sowie Verbindungs- und Befestigungselementen umfasst das Produktspektrum auch auf die Kundenanforderungen zugeschnittene Sonder- und Zeichnungsteile sowie Hilfs- und Betriebsstoffe wie persönliche Schutzausrüstung, chemisch-technische Produkte sowie Werkzeuge und vieles mehr.
Würth Industrie Service GmbH & Co. KG
97980 Bad Mergentheim
Telefon: +49 (7931) 91-0
Telefax: +49 (7931) 91-4000
Telefon: +49 (7931) 91-0
Fax: +49 (7931) 91-4000
E-Mail: info@wuerth-industrie.com
Leiterin Marketing
Telefon: 07931 91-1153
E-Mail: stephanie.boss@wuerth-industrie.com
Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Telefon: +49 (7931) 91-3409
E-Mail: pia.schmitt@wuerth-industrie.com