Tapering – what tapering?
Tapering – a word that stock market players have long been fed up with. Because when it is discussed, prices usually go down. Tapering means nothing other than that the central bank, and here we are talking primarily about the US central bank Fed, is slowly reducing its bond purchases. With the purchases, the Fed had artificially increased the demand for bonds and thus moved prices up. Conversely, higher prices mean lower interest rates on the bond markets.
If the central banks reduce their bond purchases or even throw the bonds they have bought back onto the market at some point, their prices will fall and interest rates will rise. This is what stock market investors are afraid of. Because higher interest rates are a tough competitor for the money that could otherwise flow into the stock markets and also into precious metals. Gold investors could even swap their precious metal for US government bonds.
That is the theory. But what does it look like in practice today? No sooner does the economic situation improve than the next crisis hits. Now it is "Little Oh", the new variant of the Covid virus, which is unsettling the markets - and which will probably also make the tapering of the central banks somewhat less severe than previously thought. That is good for gold. Especially since there is also support for the precious metal from another side: inflationary tendencies. Gold should therefore continue to be, remain and, if necessary, become an important component of the portfolio. More risky but with high chances in case of a rising gold price are the shares of companies with good gold projects. As a portfolio addition, these could bring joy in an environment of ever new crises.
Fury Gold Mines – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4lgMrvxZlI – has projects in three excellent areas, British Columbia, Nunavut and Quebec, with a total of several million ounces of gold. At the Eau Claire project in Quebec, up to more than nine grams of gold per ton of rock have currently been found.
Already a producer is Karora Resources – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwDaK5XpiSk -. The gold is extracted from the Beta Hunt and Higginsville mines in Western Australia.
Current corporate information and press releases from Fury Gold Mines (- https://www.resource-capital.ch/en/companies/fury-gold-mines-ltd/ -) and Karora Resources (- https://www.resource-capital.ch/en/companies/karora-resources-inc/ -).
In accordance with §34 WpHG I would like to point out that partners, authors and employees may hold shares in the respective companies addressed and thus a possible conflict of interest exists. No guarantee for the translation into English. Only the German version of this news is valid.
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