Tsubame Radio (TBM) now available from Kaga FEI Europe
“With TBM we found an excellent partner for the enrichment of our electromechanical product portfolio. Long product life cycles and high quality and durability are essential for our customers” answered Dr. Klaus-Peter Dyck, Director Marketing & Application of KFEU, when asked about customer benefits resulting from this partnership.
Mr. Imamura, Executive Vice President at Tsubame Radio Co. LTD, said when asked for his motivation for the engagement with KFEU: “We are pleased to partner with Kaga FEI Europe which has a high-quality distribution network. We look forward to working with their skilled team and cultivating new business in Europe together.”
More about KAGA FEI EUROPE under: www.eu.kagafei.com
About KAGA FEI EUROPE (KFEU): KAGA FEI Europe GmbH is part of the listed KAGA Group with more than 6,000 employees and 67 sales and production facilities worldwide (23 in Japan; 44 overseas) and has been one of the top addresses in the Japanese distribution market and EMS business for over 50 years. KFEU sells electronic components, complex system solutions and EMS services. Building on the "best-in-class" approach, KFEU ensures that customers always receive the best product in a category, which is ensured by a very close focus partnership with selected manufacturers. The main markets for KFEU are automotive and industrial. KFEU offers solutions in direct sales, via a webshop and via other affiliated distribution partners. The company has locations in Langen near Frankfurt, Munich and Milan.
More about TBM® under: www.tbm-japan.com/english/
About Tsubame RaDIO (TBM): Tsubame Radio Co. LTD is a Japanese electro-mechanical device manufacturer, which has over 90 years of history. The main products of TBM are Joystick, Slip ring and Potentiometer. TBM products are developed in-house including key materials, which deliver high quality and stable long life. The devices are used in power tools, music instruments, industrial products, and medical equipment. TBM is located at Maebashi-city, Japan, and is producing products in Japan and Vietnam.
Die KAGA FEI Europe GmbH ist seit dem 1.1.2021 unter diesem Namen als globaler Distributor als Rechtsnachfolger der Fujitsu Electronics Europe GmbH am Markt aktiv. KFEU vertreibt elektronische Bauelemente komplexe Systemlösungen sowie EMS Dienstleistungen. Aufbauend auf dem "Best-in-Class"-Ansatz stellt KFEU sicher, dass Kunden immer das beste Produkt einer Kategorie erhalten, was durch eine sehr enge Fokus-Partnerschaft mit ausgewählten Herstellern sichergestellt ist. Fokusmärkte für KFEU sind Automotive und Industrial. KFEU bietet Lösungen im Direktvertrieb, über einen Web-Shop sowie über verbundene weitere Distributionspartner an. Das Unternehmen verfügt über Standorte in Langen bei Frankfurt, in München und Mailand. Mehr zu KAGA FEI EUROPE unter: www.eu.kagafei.com
Robert Bosch Strasse 25
63225 Langen
Telefon: +49 6103 690 222
Telefax: +49 (6103) 690-193
Director Marketing
E-Mail: klaus-peter.dyck@eu.kagafei.com