TubeMaster AS in operation
The patented cleaning method TubeMaster AS was able to successfully clean tubes of 8 meters of tube bundle heat exchangers using only 6.5 bar jet pressure. The automated cleaning unit was set to the required cleaning speed. Thus, the entire cleaning process occurred uniformly with the same parameters which led to high-quality cleaning results. Due to the residues being unusually and firmly stuck to the surface, each tube was cleaned twice and eventually examined with a special-purpose camera.
The inner surface of the tubes (38 mm) partly exhibited extremely hard and irregular residues of 16 mm in thickness. These residues built up over several years. Earlier cleaning attempts per high-pressure water cleaning with up to 2500 bar remained unsuccessful. Due to the residues in the exchanger, production was severely impaired. Additionally, the necessary energy expenditure for the cooling process increased drastically. Replacing the exchangers would have been very time-consuming considering the procurement cost as well as the installation and the production downtimes involved.
Prior cleaning tests via TubeMaster AS already proved to be successful. Thereupon the customer granted the company Kipp Umwelttechnik their entire cleaning order for the application of TubeMaster AS. For years Kipp Umwelttechnik has worked with devices of the company mycon exclusively and is therefore well-experienced in this regard. The entire execution had to be carried out under the guidance of explosion protection directions. Kipp Umwelttechnik used TubeMaster AS as a completely closed procedure. Residues and operating funds were extracted during the closed process, immediately collected and made available for proper disposal.
TubeMaster AS can be used for cleaning vertically or horizontally arranged tube bundle heat exchangers. TubeMaster AS can be transported through manway openings without difficulty. Furthermore, for the cleaning of individual tubes special articles for coupling connections are delivered as well. Operating the machine is definitely trouble-free and require just two members of staff.
Die mycon GmbH ist als Schwesterfirma des Dienstleistungsunternehmens Kipp Umwelttechnik GmbH in Entwicklung, Produktion und Vertrieb neuer Produkte und Automatisierungstechniken tätig.
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mycon GmbH
Senner Straße 156
33659 Bielefeld
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E-Mail: d.schweers@mycon-germany.com