Actome GmbH and QIAGEN announce commercial partnership
The unique performance of Actome’s products is based on the patented PICO -Technology that detects single protein molecules and protein interaction complexes by translating protein status into DNA-barcodes. These barcodes are then detected by the method of digital PCR and decoded by a proprietary software developed by Actome. “Our PICO-Technology expands the capabilities of the QIAcuity digital PCR platform by QIAGEN from nucleic acids to proteins. The application of our technology in the fields of proteomics, molecular pathway research and biomarker discovery will help to increase our knowledge about molecular biological processes and will transform molecular biological research in an unprecedented way.” says Csaba Jeney, co-founder, CEO, and inventor of the technology.
Proteins control and direct biological processes through their interactions, the so-called interactome, by which they determine our health and wellbeing. Tools to study the interactome enable the understanding of cellular processes and open up an enormous potential for research, diagnostics and therapies. Tackling these challenges, Actome’s innovative technology is a breakthrough that will revolutionize research and biomedicine. “QIAcuity is expanding into new research fields as a cost-effective and very reliable digital PCR system,” said Thomas Schweins, Senior Vice President, Head of the Life Science Business Area at QIAGEN. “The partnership with Actome extends the use of this technology to protein quantification and protein-protein interaction.”
Actome is a privately held young life-science startup founded in 2017. The year before Dr. Jeney moved from Budapest to Freiburg to partner with Dr. Koltay and to leverage his start-up experience and the excellent environment provided by the University of Freiburg and the Hahn-Schickard research institute in Freiburg. Actome provides assay kits, bioinformatics software and services for the sensitive, highly parallel and quantitative measurement of proteins and protein interactions. The long term vision of Actome is to decode the whole interactome and to exploit these discoveries in molecular diagnostic products for personalized medicine. Actome’s first products will target the research market in the field of molecular biology with a specific focus on assay-kits for multi-omics and single cell analysis.
Actome GmbH
Georges-Köhler-Allee 103
79110 Freiburg im Breisgau
Telefon: +49 (1577) 2419732
Telefon: +49 (761) 203-73240
E-Mail: peter.koltay@actome.de