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Bamboos Market to Garner Brimming Revenues by 2029

Ascending demand from key end-use industries such as paper & pulp, building & construction, textile, and wood is projected to primarily drive demand for bamboos. The global bamboos market would progress at a high double-digit CAGR during 2019 – 2029, reaching a mark of US$ 12 Bn in 2029, as projected by a new Future Market Insights (FMI) study.

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Bamboo is a versatile multi-purpose forest produce and plays a vital role in the world’s domestic and industrial economies. Bamboo and bamboo-based products are used for a wide range of indoor and outdoor applications, owing to its abundance and versatility.

Key Takeaways – Bamboos Market Study

  • The pulp & paper end-use industry segment in the global bamboos market is witnessing high growth, and is expected to follow the same trend over the forecast period owing to utilization of bamboo as a raw material in the production of paper & pulp.
  • Bamboo produces about 35% more oxygen as compared to other trees. Additionally, its biomass is an efficient and cheap fuel for power generating units. As a result of this, the power sector is focusing on bamboos as a source of fuel for power generation.
  • Asia Pacific (APAC) is expected to maintain its dominance in the global bamboos market throughout the forecast period in terms of volume as well as value. This can be mainly attributed to the growing construction industry in China and India, supported by surging infrastructural investments. APAC has more than half of the total bamboo species available in the world.

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Thriving penetration of green building technologies is supporting the demand for bamboos due to utilization in construction of scaffolding. Moreover, there is a continuous demand for bamboo furniture, plywood, and outdoor decking in various countries.

Who Is Winning the Bamboos Landscape?

The global bamboos market is fairly fragmented, with small- and medium-scale enterprises accounting for major market share in the global market. Some of the key market players included in the report are Moso International B.V., Bamboo Village Company Limited, and Shanghai Tenbro Bamboo Textile Co. Ltd. New product launches and developments are some of the key strategies adopted by market players to retain their position in the global bamboos market. The companies are engaged in continuously participating in different events, conferences, tradeshows and seminars to market their newly launched products across the globe.

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Bamboos Market – Regional Analysis

High growth in construction, pulp & paper, and furniture industries is expected to be a key driving factor for bamboos market growth. China is a large exporter of processed bamboo products such as bamboo plaiting, bamboo shoots, bamboo panels, wood charcoal of bamboo, etc., whereas countries such as the U.S., Canada, and other European countries where very small bamboo resources are available import bamboo products requirement from other bamboo-rich countries.

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