Christian Oversohl appointed as new CEO of Swiss IT Security Group AG
Christian Oversohl brings more than 25 years of top management experience in leading global digital consulting and technology services companies, including 17 years as Managing Director and Senior Vice President at Publicis Sapient and several years as Member of the Board at Allgeier Connect AG. International acquisitive and organic growth, a deep understanding of digital transformation and fast changing markets as well as building strong teams and supportive organizational structures are among his major strengths.
„Christian Oversohl combines all the requirements and experiences we need to grow Swiss IT Security Group into one of Europe’s leading cyber security companies in the coming years," says Jürgen Rottler, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SITS Group. "The combination of many years of extremely successful international top management experience and deep industry expertise makes him an ideal fit for the position of our CEO.“
„Hardly any other IT security company has as much potential as the SITS Group. I am excited to seize on our tremendous market opportunity and to open another successful chapter in the development of this company together with our customers and partners, all colleagues in the group as well as our investor Triton", says Christian Oversohl.
About the Swiss IT Security Group
The Swiss IT Security Group, headquartered in Wettingen (Switzerland), offers its customers comprehensive security services and solutions. With around 600 employees the company combines the know-how, resources and services of a top-class cyber security provider into a comprehensive service provider and, with the help of innovative solutions and technologies, offers its customers overall IT security concepts based on the aspects of protect, detect and defend.
For more information: www.sits-group.ch/en/
That’s who we are: IT security consulting and software development
Applied Security GmbH (apsec) is one of Germany’s top 15 companies in the field of IT security. The approximately 60 employees who stand behind and for apsec are the basis of our success. We are part of the Swiss IT Security Group, a strongly growing group of companies in Europe for integrated IT security solutions. Currently, the Swiss IT Security Group has over 600 employees at various locations and is active in five countries.
apsec products and services meet the highest demands
Our software solutions meet the highest demands in the areas of encryption, digital signature and secure authentication. If these products do not fit, we also develop customized solutions. In addition, our team of experts provides national and international companies with transparent and solution-oriented advice on all aspects of information security.
IT Security made in Germany – You can rely on it
"IT Security made in Germany" (ITSMIG) was established in 2005 on the initiative of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI), the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) as well as by us and 16 other companies of the German IT security industry. As a result, all our products also meet the requirements of the German IT security industry association TeleTrusT and bear the "IT security made in Germany" quality seal. This ensures that our software is not only manufactured in Germany, but is also free of hidden access.
Einsteinstraße 2a
63868 Großwallstadt
Phone: 0 60 22 / 263 38-0
Fax: 0 60 22 / 263 38-199
Web: www.apsec.de
E-mail: info@apsec.de
Further offices:
Managing Director:
Dipl.-Math. Frank Schlottke
Dipl.-Math. Volker Röthel
Registered office of the company: Großwallstadt
Register court: Aschaffenburg, HRB 7087
UST-ID No. DE 194 809 364
Etzelmatt 1
CH5430 Wettingen
Telefon: +41 56 599 00 99
Head of Marketing & Communications
E-Mail: olaf.pursche@sits-group.ch