euroPLX Slashes the Carbon Footprint of Attendees
A frequent euroPLX Marketplace attendee calculated that by attending 30 times, he was able to meet business partners from all over the world which would have required travels equivalent to a trip to the moon and back, had he wished to visit them at their company headquarters: about 760,000 kilometres!
Grossing up his findings, this amounts to 25 to 30 million air kilometres that have been saved by the euroPLX Marketplaces in 2019 alone. euroPLX attendees effectively contribute to mitigate global climate change since more than 26 years. Now, with the new feature of seamless video integration before and after the in-person event, the savings should be even larger.
Says Dr. Norbert Rau, the founder of RauCon GmbH & Co. KG, who designed and introduced the euroPLX Marketplace concept in 1995: „The virtual versus real discussion must differentiate very carefully. A regular speaker-type conference can be replaced by a well organised video event without losing much. For an event which focuses on business negotiations, however, personal interactions and hallway conversations are a must. Virtual interactions are not the same although they are a flexible counterpart to the traditional in-person format.“
Since almost 27 years the Heidelberg, Germany, based service provider RauCon GmbH & Co. KG runs an online exchange for pharma business opportunities and a platform to arrange combined real (in-person) and digital (video) business meetings. The online exchanges euroPLX and asiaPLX represent the world’s most often held and leading pharma partnering events since 1995.
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Originally founded as a management consultancy, RauCon GmbH & Co. KG runs an online exchange for pharma business opportunities and a platform to arrange real (in-person) and virtual (video) business meetings since 1995. Operating from Heidelberg, Germany, RauCon occupies the top floor of a 2018 built passive-housing office building at the outskirts of town.
RauCon GmbH & Co. KG
Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 9
69115 Heidelberg
Telefon: +49 (6221) 426296-0
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